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Posts posted by THE ABUSED!

  1. Did you appeal to them? You must appeal. Which they decline of course! Then send a letter headed 'Letter before legal action' to give them 7 or days to refund you or reconsider their decision. I am not at the stage to get the claims form.. It looks like you can download it or if you google n1 small claims and got to gov site. I think you can pick one up at any magistrate court. I also sent a letter to the company on whose property they were clamping. Neither have responded. Yet? You can contact me at sunnyaspect rocketmaildotcom if u like.

  2. Ahem, hello people... another victim of these sharks here. I have photographs of them putting up signage after they 'stole' money from me. I sent an appeal (big joke eh) which has come back declined (surprise surprise!) and now I want to take it to the next step. I have never met a bunch of lying thieving gits in all my life! They are disgusting and I feel violated again after recieving their cowardly letter that they cannot even sign properly. The signature is a squiggle but could be this Clive Machatara as I can make out the Initial C. Anyone want to join forces and get justice from these criminals?

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