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Posts posted by nanny23

  1. My son nudged the back of somebody's car TEN years ago - he went to court, got points and a fine, have heard nothing since (as far as he was concerned it was dealt with in the court as there was an insurance issue). Then out of the blue the week before Christmas he got a letter from MIB then about two days later a letter from CCM saying that he owes £65,000 and to ring them within the next seven days to inform them how he would be paying it!! well he never rang but since that time I have been bombarded with phone calls from them - a statute barred letter has been sent but they said that it probably would not count in this instance and they still phone (two calls today) but I do not now answer them as we have asked them to put the reasons why he owes £65,000 in writing. Have also sent an email to the MIB stating that we have not heard anything from anyone for ten years, and why all of a sudden is this money being demanded considering the woman was perfectly fine and even got out of her car and told my son that he was not at fault as the car in front of her had suddenly stopped and that she had a job to avoid hitting the rear of the car in front of her. Oh nearly forgot, the person my son bumped into was a woman and yet the CCM have quoted that it was a male - perhaps the £65,000 is to pay for the obvious sex change!!!!!

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