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Posts posted by rubylee

  1. Hi


    Can I just point out that Child Tax Credit and Working Tax credit came into existence from April 2003.


    Family Credits ran from April 1986 to March 1999

    Working Families Tax Credit ran from April 1999 to March 2003

    Working Tax Credit and Child Tax Credit started April 2003


    So HMRC will investigate from April 2003 . They many just be looking at 2010/2011 .



    Regards Ruby.

  2. I finally got paid most of what I am owed the rest owing will be spread over the tax year I have made an offical complaint and a manager called me she said due to how serious the complaint is she will have to speak to someone more senior hopefully the man who was so cruel and intimidating will be correctly dealt with I mentioned something a DWP staff member said on here about being spat at , I told her that they are dealing on occasions with vunrable people who depend one the money from tax credits and trying to get through to them at times is very frustrating and the way I was treated could prevoke some to go to local offices and be agressive towards their staff and the staff of DWP thank you all for your support and I will inform you all how complaint proceedure goes




    That's good to hear :)


    Regards Ruby.

  3. You wouldn't have as it's new this year.


    What it says if you read the information on HMRC you will receive a annual review TC603R which will also be you final notice if you have no changes or they tell you other wise ,or you will receive a TC603R and TC603D which means you have to renew.


    What my point is "MOST" on benefits have auto renew as of April 2011.


    Regards Ruby.

  4. Hi


    Auto Renew haven't always been the case for people on benefits.


    "From April 2011, customers in receipt of IS, income-

    based JSA, income-related ESA or PC for all of the 2010/11 tax year will also

    be included in the auto renewals process. However, customers are asked to

    check their annual review notice and report changes if they will impact on their



    So as you can see this is new as of this year .


    Regards Ruby.

  5. Hi

    I too feel for her , we haven't claimed Benefits and were not entitled to Tax Credits I'm glad really can do with out the stress.


    I don't understand as to why she has had to renew her claim , unless she has made changes .


    Regards Ruby.

  6. Everyone has to renew by the end of july tax credits are not automatic my last payment was the 29th I cant get another crisis loan and they have given me different information every time after leaving me on hold for 40 minutes or more I know I should call them again but they wont discuss it any further I am frightened that they will say something worse, on tuesday I will get child benefit that can feed the kids for now and I still have enough food to feed them till then cant feed myself until next friday I dont think unless they pay as I said earlier I planned to loose weight so I will try not to let them get me down .



    I would just like to add I know for a fact everyone who has received Benefits from April to April have their awards Auto Renewed.


    Hope you get your award sorted .


    Regards Ruby.

  7. Hi I think you need to call them asap and explain that your partner moved in Oct 2010.


    There will be a overpayment , but you need to stop that single claim asap the longer you leave it the bigger over payment , Hope you get it all sorted with out any problems .


    Regards Ruby.

  8. Hi luboba,How long hasn't she been registered? cause To get tax credits to help with childcare costs , your childcare provider must be properly registered or approved. You won't be able to claim tax credits if they aren't.


    The other thing is she will be in BIG trouble with ofsted , She has been putting your children at risk doing what she has been doing sorry but i would have to report her .


    As for tax credits i would call them an explain what's happened re the child minder an see where you stand as you said you was unaware of her not being registered .


    Regards Rubylee.

  9. Joanne give a Solicitor a call most give free advise but you need one who is trained in this field so you have some idea where you stand with HMRC until you can get to CAB .I would give the lady at HMRC a call an explain you are waiting on your ex to sort out evidence if he has anything at all i know you said he has only a drivers licence , but be for you call her ask a Solicitor if you should do that to give you some breathing space be for you see CAB. You will need to be clear on how long you have claimed Tax Credits for and the dates he was living at the property .



    Regards Ruby.

  10. I wish i could give you legal advise Joanne but i am not trained in that area i would recommend you seek legal advise . I wouldn't say anything to them until you have had legal advise cause they could use it against you . As far as the house goes i wouldn't have thought so you have young children , give CAB a call and arrange appointment with them. How many years have you been parted ?


    Regards Ruby.

  11. Joanne they can't stop him visiting the kids so i wouldn't stop him coming to see them your allowed to have visitors . I'm guessing Tax Credits are saying he is living at the property now ? not just the X amount of years . Have you had legal advise on this yet ?


    Regards Ruby.

  12. Hi I'm new here, i would just like to say you do not have to be registered on the electoral role roll by law it just means you cannot exercise your democratic right to vote in any election ,Also, you may not be able to open a bank account or get credit.It is against the law for households not to complete and return the annual electoral registration form but not for a person to be on it i would check with your local council to confirm this but i do believe i am correct with this so don't worry to much Joanne i think you have enough on your plate at the moment and plus the fact the electoral roll thing is his problem not yours , I hope you resolve your situation asap .


    kind regards Ruby

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