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Posts posted by Ronni2011

  1. The DWP didn't pay my mortgage interest for a year [plus the usual waiting period]. I complained and applied for a special payment I think they called it. I don't have the paperwork to hand but it was dealt with internally by the DWP. They agreed they'd messed up and I was awarded compensation [and paid all the money I was owed] of about £1200. That was about 3 years ago now. Looks like they are trying to take some of it back!!!! At the time I just wrote to the DWP saying I wanted to make a complaint for their maladministration. Can't post links on here yet but google DWP special payments scheme.


    I must have read through something like that - and sent them copies of all the letters I'd written etc etc. I actually just wrote a letter of complaint to get it sorted - they told me about the special payment scheme themselves and I was awarded compensation. So might be worth looking into. I am considering doing the same thing about this - it has caused me financial hardship and it was their mistake not mine. They knew the rates had changed, they didn't alter my benefits, I did nothing wrong. I am also considering making a complaint to the Mortgage Lender and quite possibly [if it is not resolved, to the Financial Ombudsmen] because I don't think the Mortgage company should have paid money to a third party without my knowledge or consent. It is my account and surely it is up to me whether I repay the DWP or not [and for me to face the consequences of not doing so obviously]. And if I chose to repay the DWP surely they should have given me the opportunity to do so by way of instalments, not take all in one go and put my mortgage account in arrears [for the first time ever - I borrowed money when I was ill to keep on top of the payments].


    Couldn't PM you by the way OSW as I am new to the forums and not posted enough yet!!! Did try.

  2. thanks for that and will PM you for that number. I am down in Devon. I was just shocked by the way they did this. And I have had no correspondence or requests for information from the DWP. My mortgage details haven't changed [i am on a fixed rate mortgage deal]. It was their mistake. It wouldn't have been quite so bad had they written first and told me this had happened and what they were going to do. They just sent me a copy of the letter of request for repayment to the mortgage lender, next day or so I got the letter from the building society. They didn't ask me either. They just paid it back to the DWP. So yes I intend to complain. To both of the DWP and the Lender. I am back at work now, but that's not the point. They overpaid me for 3 months I think it worked out at, but yet I have to pay back £500 in 7 days which is enough to cause anyone hardship!! I actually didn't think they were allowed to do that if it is was their mistake not mine. The DWP knew the rates had changed so why did it take them 3 months to realise they hadn't altered my interest payments? And because they don't tell you what they're paying other than that one letter a year how are you supposed to even know its happened?


    Thanks for that and will let you know what happens. Incendentally when I first made my claim for mortgage assistance the DWP messed up. It took them over a year to sort it out. I had to borrow money to keep my mortgage going so I wouldn't get repossessed. I wrote and complained then and they ended up having to pay me compensation of just over £1000 as it was their error. So I think I will suggest they should do the same thing now.


    Honestly it is hard enough managing on the pittance they pay you without all of this as well.

  3. The changes were announced in the budget.


    I have a problem though. I didn't know about the change to mortgage interest rates. No letter from the DWP. And they didn't alter the mortgage rate they were paying either. They just carried on paying the money to the lender as normal. This week I get a letter from the DWP. We have overpaid you and have asked your lender to refund them with the £500 overpayment. The Lender then wrote to me saying we have had a request from the DWP to refund an overpayment of £500 and have honoured this. Please let us have a payment of £500 within the next 7 days or your mortgage account will go into arrears. No one told me about this or asked my permission. They just took it back and told me afterwards. And it was their mistake. I have had no contact with the DWP for ages and my circumstances had not changed.


    I am going to complain/appeal. And I am hopeful the lender will agree to accept payment in instalments. Thankfully I have now found work [after 3 years on incapacity benefit] but this sort of thing should not be allowed to happen!!


    Just wanted others to know about it.

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