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Posts posted by Dafty21

  1. Thanks for your concern - I can't believe I didn't tell them earlier - as you can see by the mount involved I certainly didn't do it for the cash!

    I've just been lazy and irresponsible though I guess Tax Credits will look on it as fraud which is understandable.

    I think I'll need to write it all down as trying to explain it all on the phone would be a nightmare.


    Is there anyone else out there in a similar position?

  2. I have only ever received 8 payments of £545 / year from tax credits and I reckon the first three payments I was fully entitled to and maybe part of the fourth.


    I suppose I will have to bite the bullet and contact them rather than them contacting me which would probably happen sooner or later.

  3. I'm not looking for sympathy here and I know I've been a complete idiot.


    I owe tax credits roughly £2500.


    I haven't updated my income since 2003-4 due to sheer laziness and neglect on my part.


    Going on what I earn now, and what I have earned the past 4-5 years I am not entitled to any tax credits but am still receiving the minimum amount.


    I want to come clean and tell them.


    Can anyone tell me how to go about this?

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