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Posts posted by JACTAC

  1. Again as far as pubs /clubs are concerned, all doormen in my town's pubs/clubs, and i would suggest most major town's and cities are linked to each other by radio, therefor if a group of known "party animals" are out for a merry evening, then word spreads like wild fire, doors are closed and people are refused entry, again all this happens even before a crime or incident has even occoured. Just like retail security gaurds with their radios, you can hear doormen passing peoples names around to all the other pubs/clubs in the area, without a care for Data protection.

  2. Many large retail stores rely on "information" being passed around to each other. Very often whilst out shopping you can hear on security gaurds radio's as you walk past, "so and so" has just entered "so and so" wearing "so and so". I think this "info" is freely passed back and for shop's and stores without a care for Data protection.

    I know for a fact that a certain large retail store in my home town often displays "suspicious shoppers" still pictures in their works canteen for any employee to look at, hoping for a name, even though a crime may not have even been committed, it's just so that they can put a name to a face.

    Think about it all those employees every day, someone, someday is going to be reconised. Especially if there's a little bonus for the "namer". "NAME THE FACE AND WIN £50" , very tempting for an employee who works all day for minimum wage eh ! It happens believe me.:sad:

  3. Do you think that just maybe, security at TKMAX informed security/personel at your place of work about the incident, without realising that this was going against data protection, lets be honest here, there's a lot of security / shopwalkers who do think they are the police, if this is the case then your personel dept were obviously going to question you about it, however, and this is the sticky bit, any decent personel dept would not just take a phone call or letter ect, as proof that you did actualy do what Tkmax say you did, They would have to have solid proof that an incident did occure, otherwise it is just hearsay, imagine the implications if an employer sacked someone just because of a rumour/mistake. To sum up i dont think the police got involved, it is more likely that their (Tkmax) security got all excited and rang your company, who in turn got all excited and spoke to you without thinking. I would question the whole process. If the police were to be involved then it would of happened at the time.

  4. Hi Lady,

    I really wouldnt think that your phone call was anything to do with your other issue, this is probably your mind working overtime. i would just wait calmy and see what happens, thats what i gonna do, we can't do any more anyway.

    just relax, and have a great new year.

    stay out of trouble though eh ! lol.:razz:

  5. Hi there Lady,

    your incident is very simular to my own just last week. I was and still am in a state of shock over what i did. Also as with you the police were not called and i was given the option to pay for the item and leave the store, with a ban, which i accepted without argument.

    If i do get a letter from RLP, i will not take it laying down, at the end of the day i was given the option to pay for the item and i now hold a receiept for it, however as you point out some retailers still ask RLP to claw back even for more money if they can get away with it.

    In my case cctv showed me "acting suspicious ", well i say to RLP if they can show me a shopper that pays for their goods acting in a "normal" manner then i can also show a "suspicious " shopper also paying for their goods ! People act differently for all sorts of reasons, it does not mean they are shoplifters just because the have a bloody twich, for instance.

    Anyway i'm gonna see what happens and fight any RLP letter that arrives, if one does, and i suggest you do the same. I'm not being cocky about what i did but i think that if the store allows someone to pay for the item after an "incident" has occured and also bans them, all without calling the police, then that is what the store has decided to do to deal with that "incident", end of matter surely !

  6. She also lost her claim from the other drivers insurance company as they stated that her car should NOT of been parked on the road without a valid MOT, even though the other driver was charged and found guilty of reckless driving, not reporting an accident and leaving the scene of an accident.

    The mad thing is, there must be countless cars all over th country that are parked outside peoples homes without an mot, for whatever reasons but are still taxed and insured yet the owner could be at fault if there is an incident of some kind, without even knowing it.

  7. I have just rang my friend to ask for the details, she was reported for having a car (parked) on a public road without a valid MOT. She opted to go to court to put her point across that the cars was not being driven and only parked outside her own home, she was found guily under the road traffic act for the above offence, she had a fixed penalty fine of £60, no point to her licence though.

  8. Your question asks can you drive on the road without TAX to a pre-booked MOT appointment.

    The answer is a simple NO. Under the road traffic act you have to have tax to use any vehicle even whilst driving to a pre-booked MOT appointment. Your only option is trailer or tow.

    Did you also realise that it is now even illegal to park on the road without a valid MOT, obviously you have have a valid tax disc also but you must have a valid MOT also since 2006. I know of someone who's car was involved in a hit and run whilst parked up outside her house but her car was not mot'd, her insurance refused to pay out under the road traffic act as the vehicle should not of been parked on a public road withou a valid MOT, she was also charged & fined under the same road traffic act by the police who attended the incident. :|

  9. Hi,

    the cost of the blade was £8.99. what a clown all this for a few pounds. They were adamant that i had taken both blades but cctv could not prove it, but more annoying was that i could not prove that i had brought it in with me, and mine was also new as it not been used, i just wanted a spare so that in always had two blades. I could see their point that it looked like i taken both blades, but i had not., so they said i could pay for the one and be banned, exactly as i deserved.

    i just hope that this is the end of the matter.

  10. Hi, i need some advice on something foolish that i just did.

    i was at my local B&Q looking for a spare blade for a drill that i own, i actualy took my own blade into the store for a reference as i had never needed to buy one in the past and thought it easier to take the original in with me, when i found what i was looking for, i did, in a moment of madness remove what i needed from the packaging to match up with my original blade, and well just did not pay for it, there is no excuse for what i did, complete madness and even more completely out of character. Anyway on the way out i was stopped by security and asked to go into the security room, i owned up immediatly to my stupiness, however they security gaurd was insisting that in had stole both blades, even though i kept explaining that one was already mine and only brought into the store as a reference, any way after a long debate with the gaurd and manager i was i was told that i could pay for the one blade however i would be banned from the store, which i totaly accepted, the police were not called. I was given a banning notice which i did not sign, even though there was a place to sign no one askled to sign, i also gave all my correct details. I'm now a bit concerned after reading threads on the net that B&Q will contact a Retail Loss orginisation to obtain further costs and also write a letter to my home address, even though i paid for the item and they accepted, some what doubtly that one blade was my own.Neither the security gaurd or manager stated that B&Q would take things further but i'm still very concerned.

    Please could someone offer a bit of advice for my very stupid actions.

    I'm not sure if i have posted this in the correct forum, sorry.

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