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Posts posted by wicko

  1. hi wicko here not been on for awhile been waiting for final decision from FOS. surprise surprise they have come down on BPF side. i am a guarantor for my son as i thought until we moved and i found his advent enrolment forms in a box after we unpacked. i looked thru it and found to my surprise he had not sent it off and there was three papers, blue copy- student, white copy- office, and pink copy- adviser.not a signature in sight from advent no start date no end date never got to advent. i photo copied them and sent it off to the FOS with all the other data i had but they said this does not proof your son was not enrolled in the course, i am at a lost to understand how they come to this conclusion. they also say that under the credit act they can not find a debtor- creditor- supplier relationship.so there is not a valid claim against barclays for a breach of contract or misrepresentation in this case. where is the money i signed for,i did not get it so who got it? you fight and fight but its like hitting your head against a brick wall. what the hell do i do how. wait for barclays to take me to court and hope the judge sees it how i see it. any ideas. losing my mind.

  2. hi just found this forum been fighting with barclays for a year now. been to see CAB who where very helpful. still barclays would not listen just got letters from a different person. went to the ombudsmen they where a waste of time.find myself in a different situation as i was a guarantor for my son who was out of work and could not sign on the dole as he was to young so i think there was some miss selling going on, advent sent him a book then we heard no more until i read that they had gone bankrupt . i would like to join the class action but do not how to so a little help would appreciate. all the best cheers

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