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Posts posted by dave554

  1. Thanks for the suggestion guys. I'm going to send them a prelimanary letter asking for my money back - does anyone have any advice for estimating the amount to ask for? For the last 14 months I'm looking at charges totalling £1188 - should I just use that to work out a monthly average and then calculate back over 6 years or is there a better way? :confused:


    Basically I'm worried about overestimating - is it better to underestimate and can you then increase the amount later or to overestimate? I don't want to look greedy to the courts, I just want to get back what they've taken.


    Thanks again, without this site and people's help on here I'd be knowhere with this.

  2. Hi, thought I'd start my own thread for updating with my case.


    I sent the Data Protection Act request on the 17th June and recieved a reply a few days later denying my request. I immediately sent off the Data Protection Act rejection reply from the sticky above. A few days later my last year's worth of statements arrived (which they said they would send straight away) but today I recieved a letter again rejecting my DPA request again :mad: - they seem intent on sending my statements when they bloody well feel like it and now my initial 40 day timeframe is almost up so just reading on here to see what course of action to take next...


    Oh... I think they must owe me a fair bit as my charges for the last year amounted to £888 and this month I was charged £300 (for having £20 worth of payments go out my account over my overdraft which I was only over because they charged me £30 last month for a 79p transaction!! Arrgghh!!).


    Any suggestions as to what action to take now would be welcome? Is it worth reporting them to the ombudsmen and should I make an estmate on what I'm owed (based on the last year) and send the first letter asking for the money back??



  3. Just saw this thread after I posted in another so maybe the stuff in here could be useful to me. I'll let you guys know where I am first:


    1: sent Data Protection Act request

    2: recieved letter rejecting Data Protection Act request

    EDIT: ***sorry forgot to say I got my last year's worth of statements***

    3: sent counter letter for rejection from the sticky

    4. recieved another DPA rejection letter


    And that's where I'm at right now with about a week or just under until my initial 40 day deadline expires and I'm still waiting on the full 6 years worth of statements.


    Suggestions? Opinions?

  4. I think I'm having a similar problem. I sent the DPA request and they sent me the microfiche rejection letter saying it would be sent out as and when basically. I then recieved about a year's worth of statements plus a printed statement covering about 6 weeks of transaction (though this period was covered in the year's worth of statements anyway so I have no idea why they sent this).


    Anyway I sent the letter above to counter their microfiche argument and today recieved a letter from their Business Manager Pam Speed (who had sent me the initial corrospondence) basically repeating the microfiche argument and saying they don't acknowledge the DPA request.


    They've said I will get the statements but have given me no time frame and it appears they wil certainly not send them within the 40 days I've allowed.


    Any suggestions as to what action to take from here? I'm fed up to the back teeth with Abbey and have no doubt they owe me a fair amount of money over the full 6 years (the last year amounted to £888 worth of charges!?!) so I'm fully prepared to report them to ombudsmen.


    Any help is greatly appreciated

  5. Keep your head up fedupandskint. Abbey are taking £300 of me this month ( for only £20 over the overdraft though - a lot of return DD and visa charges - and that was all due to a £30 charge for a 79p transaction :mad: ). I know exactly what you mean when you say you can't break the cycle and they just don't listen. I sent my DPA and got their microfiche argument letter denying it and am sending a response today.


    Keep to your timetable. I'm going to keep to mine. They don't care or do anything to help and just take your money so don't give them an inch. And don't give up! Everything I've read on here as made me feel pretty positive about this whole process and a big thanks to all the people who contributed information on here.


    Chin up :)

  6. Well, thanks to the help on this site I sent off my Data Protection Act request to the Abbey and today I received their 'microfiche argument' letter :rolleyes: - I was just putting together my reply from the template on the thread above but just had a quick question about the address to reply to??


    The template letter is addressed to:


    Regulatory Compliance

    Abbey National plc

    Abbey House

    201 Grafton Gate East

    Milton Keynes

    MK9 1AN


    The letter I recieved had the following address at the top though:



    PO Box 1109


    BD1 5ZJ


    I was going to reply to that address but I just wanted to see what everyone else though. Reply to the address at the top of my letter or send it to their regulatory office in Milton Keynes?


    Thanks for all your help with this people! :-D

  7. Thanks for the advice! I won't change my address until I have the statements - I've heard abbey delay as much as they can and they certainly haven't made it easy to find the address to send my statement request too!


    Luckily I'm only moving round the corner as well and the place is all nicely decorated so it should be a fairly easy move!


    Thanks again!


    Just wondering by the way what does SAR (the statements, right?), LBA and MCOL stand for? I've only started reading about all this the past few days so I'm not up on all these abbreviations yet! I expect I'll be on here quite a bit in the coming months so I'll find probably be all too familiar with them soon enough!

  8. Hi all,


    Found this site when I got fed up with charges from the abbey the other day (a total of £300 though I was in total no more than £10 over my overdraft on two occasions during the month - individual transaction 79p - £3.50) so remembering an article did a bit of investigating and I'm now going to pursue a claim against them for all charges I've paid over the last 6 years (they've stung me a few times).


    Anyway with regards to requesting the statements - initially Abbey said I had to order them over the phone or in branch (which I couldn't due to being overdrawn so by charging me £10 they'd add another £30 and their customer service staff didn't even warn me of that until I queried it!!) and they told me it would take up to 6 weeks!! Doesn't it have to be no more than 40 days? They also refused to provide me with an address to write to and send a cheque but I found one myself from register of addresses (I found the link in the motley fool article which sent me here)...


    However I will be moving house in the next month or so and was wondering if that will affect anything? I planned to send the statement request letter in the next day or two but obviosuly it will have my current address on though I probably won't be here by the time they get round to sending the information.


    I intend to change my address immediately with them but should I just wait until the statements arrive? My old post will be forwarded on to me for about a month after I move - and then change my address.


    Thanks for all the help and information on this site by the way :)

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