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Posts posted by RosieL

  1. I have been working for my employers for over a year now, originally on a fixed term contract and now on a casual/zero hour contract. I work anywhere between 80-110 hours a month and I recently requested holiday pay and was told that my contract stated that my pay was inclusive of holiday and therefore I had already received it. Now on a couple of points, firstly I haven't even signed the casual/zero hour contract, they only recently sent it to me in the post even though I switched over to it back in August 2010. Secondly, in my pay slips my hourly rate has always been expressed as basic pay, there was nothing on any of my pay slips showing a breakdown or even mentioning that it included holiday. And thirdly, on the work contract itself (unsigned) it does not show any kind of breakdown of my pay, it just says inclusive of holiday next to my hourly wage. Can anyone offer me any help on this? Is this lawful?

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