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Posts posted by chris855

  1. Hi all

    Newby to the forum.

    I have a problem with being subject to a Tupe situation. It may be easier to bullet point the points I am going to raise so I can get any assistance from anyone on here.

    My current company lost large contravt to another (both logistic companies)

    Accepted as Tupe situation.

    75 employees effected.

    Myself along with 3 other members have rejected by the transferee company as not being within the scope. Their reasoning is that we didn't dedicate the majority of our working day to that contract. Wrong.

    Our company transferor have stated we are not their responsibility anymore and issued me with the top copy of the P45.

    I have not had any consultation over redundancy with either company.

    My Finance Director will not answer any of my e mails but responds with telephone calls.

    He came up with an redundancy package which included my redundancy pay and lieu of notice. I have been with company 11 years.

    I have asked him if it is my previous company who has made me redundant or the new company.

    He will not answer this.

    He has since been on the telphone basically saying the offer has now been withdrawn from the new company.

    A|gain I asked who was making me redundant. Again no response.

    I feel I have no other alternative but to seek legal advice for Unfair dismissal.

    Does anyone on here have any other similar experiences or advice.



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