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Posts posted by cityhunter

  1. Hello, I have been with natwest for 5 years. now they sent me a letter saying,

    The Bank has carried out a review of your banking arrangements and has decided that it is now only prepared to offer you a linited banking service. with immediate effecr your account can only be used for the servicing of your loan account and the withdrawl in cash of any cleared balances. The banl is unwilling to enter into any further discussion with you rearding its decision and is unforunately not in a position to provide any references on your behalf


    Please make arrangemets to repy your current account brrowing within 7 days from the date of this letter.:(:Cry:


    I have used my overdraft of £3500 out of £4000. I never gone over my overdraft limit, so there are no charges in my bank account from the date of the account open. my pay also going direct to that account. there is nothing worng in my account, but still they closed my account


    now natwest wants me to repay it with in 7 days. I won't be able to do that at present. I can pay samll amouts every month.


    Bank is sending me letters with Debt recovery action. I.e recovery agents will be instructed to collect them .



    can any one give me some information about


    1) how to pay small repayments to bank?

    2) does it effect my credit record ?

    3) recovery agents seize my assets?


    Many thanks

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