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Posts posted by hello11

  1. I just read this thread and have to reply! I worked in currys for 6 months. At first I quite enjoyed it and I was quite good at my job, there was not too much pressure but that all changed. I thought the fives were pathetic and I felt stupid going through it with the customers. I conned customers just to get a sale or a whatever happens, you do make up little white lies just to get that sale. In my work place they wanted you to get 50% of all sales on whatever happens insurance! that was impossible as well as with the attachments. If you did not then you had to talk to the manager. Once every two weeks you had to have a talk with an manager about your performance and there was a weekly leader board of who sold best that week. It was so much pressure to sell, I hated selling products to customers they did not needed, I knew I was just ****ing them over!


    Finally it got so much pressure I was afraid to approach customers and sell, I knew if I did not get a whatever happens or attachment I would be in trouble. It was terrible. I am so glad I left but also sad because I did enjoy the job at first. There is just too much pressure. I now hate sales people, I know what are going through their mind and they will say anything to get the sale

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