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Posts posted by kenwalters

  1. I've been in touch with ATOS, told them I can't use public transport, am not allowed to drive now so a taxi is the only choice left. if my GP faxes them something to say I need a taxi they'll supply one. I did let them know in no uncertain terms just how ludicrous their journey planner was. Im actually thinkin gof publishing it after the medical to show how stupid they really are.

  2. Another aspect of these medicals is how the journey times are rigged. I got my letter today to go for a medical, they included a travel plan. An able bodied friend tried it, it took 2 hours & 40 minutes. ATOS says it takes 1 hour & 11 minutes. This is because the DWP say you can't travel more than 1 1/2 hours to a medical. Rigged from beginning to end.

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