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La Mancha

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Posts posted by La Mancha

  1. 10 years ago, my motorcycle was clamped for allegedly being on the road when SORN.


    I do not believe that this was the case,

    I paid the release fee and shortly afterwards moved to Guernsey.


    I learned that I had been prosecuted without my knowledge,

    but as there was no way I could be pursued for the fine out of jurisdiction, I forgot about it.


    Having moved back to the UK, I received a letter from HMCTS historic debt team demanding £523.75.

    I contacted them to say I had been prosecuted without my knowledge and was advised to make a sworn statement to that effect in my local Magistrates Court.


    I am currently awaiting an appointment to do this, but have today received an attachment of Earnings order.

    Where do I stand?

    If I am successful in my not guilty plea, will the money be returned?

  2. You were expected to buy a ticket from a machine in the Park and present it on leaving. The parking charge was advertised on the approach road to the park, but it isn't really an option to turn round and go home, or to park outside and catch a bus, having paid over £200 in admission charges.

    The other passengers in my car were disabled and it wasn't practical to ask them to move the cones, or to walk out of the park. I could argue that I was effectively being detained because we did not have the option to walk out of the park.


    Anyway, I don't expect any comeback; I was just interested in the legalities of what I did.

  3. I recently visited Legoland with members of my family-the first such visit in some years.


    On driving up the approach road to the car park, notices informed me that there was now a £6 parking charge- formerly it was free.

    I was not prepared to pay the charge and on leaving at the end of the day did not purchase a ticket.



    The exit was controlled by barriers across two lanes and a third was closed off with cones.

    I drove up to one of the barriers and told the member of staff that I was not prepared to pay the charge and could he please raise the barrier.



    He summoned a manager who asked me why I would not pay.

    I explained that no contract existed between us and that no service had been supplied.



    I also said that if he wished, they could pursue the charge through the civlil courts,

    but that in preventing me leaving, they were unlawfully detaining me, which was a criminal offence.

    They refused to raise the barrier and I moved my car to the coned off lane.


    I got out of the car to move the cones but staff replaced them before I could move off.

    I was told that I would have to wait until the staff went off duty at an unspecified time.


    At one point a staff member placed a hand on me as I attempted to move the cones but was dissuaded by my saying "DON'T touch me".


    After playing cat and mouse for a while,

    I pushed the cones forward with my car and managed to drive off.



    Entire incident lasted about 15 mins.

    Any comments; in particular, was my view of the law correct?

  4. Before I emigrated to the Channel Islands, I clocked up a couple of PCNs which were excessive and unreasonable, so I decided not to pay them. They have been given to Marstons and nasty letters from them have been forwarded to me. I have emailed Marstons to ask them to leave the new owners of my house alone, but they say they will go round and demand to see Untility bills etc.

    I would really like to spare them this, though not to the extent of giving Marstons my new address. Marstons could easily verify the sale of the house and new occupancy from the electoral register or off a property valuation website such as Zoopla; I know if I was in the position of the new occupants, I certainly wouldn't start producing gas bills to some wally who calls round, and the burden of proof would seem to be on Marstons rather than them. Anyone suggest anything?

  5. Firstly, if you have moved address, then you need to file a simply application with the Traffic Enforcement Centre and this is called an Out of Time Application. Once submitted, all enforcment will have to cease.


    I have ckecked the Traffic Enforcement Centre's Code of Practice and it states that when a local authority register a PCN they mus tconfirm that the registered keeper lives in England or Wales.


    I was resident in the UK when the PCN was issued.

    Subsequently I moved here and re-registered the car with local plates (as i was obliged to do), so it is not now registered withthe DVLA


    The Bailiwicks of Guernsey and Jersey do in fact have completely seperate legislatures from England and Wales, and laws passed in the UK do not apply here. Sometimes parallel legislation is introduced, but far from always. Because we drive on the left, you needn't show a passport, we (mostly) speak English with a light regional accent and use Sterling (albeit with our own notes and coinage) it is easy to forget this is not the UK unless you actually live here!

  6. Hi, I have received a letter from Marstons relating to an unpaid congestion charge fine. The letter says they have a Warrant of Execution issued by Northampton County court. It was addressed to my old UK address; I now live in the Channel Islands.


    1) Does Northampton County court have jurisdiction outside the UK?

    2) Are its Warrants of Execution valid outside the UK?

    3) Are Marston's Bailiffs licensed to operate outside the UK?


    Of course they would also have to find me. I have e-mailed them to tell them I no longer live at the address they have, and not to trouble the new residents.

  7. My Vanquis card is a useful thing. Why? I have a Visa electron card, which you can't use for home delivery shopping as it is possible for an-under 18 to obtain one and buy booze and other naughties.

    Use the Vanquis to order, pay it straight off. One day, my credit rating will recover to the extent i can get a proper debit card again.

  8. Up to a few months ago, I had major debt problems. I had done a lot of things everyone would have told me not to do; payday loans, robbing Peter to pay Paul, mortgage arrears etc. I engaged a debt management company - again, yes, I know that they are in some ways a rip off, but they took a lot of stress off me for a while.

    However, I got out of the jam by selling our house, getting a better paid job in the Channel islands and moving into rented accommodation with a shedload of equity to pay off all my debts and invest a substantial sum locally.

    So, you are saying, "I should have this guys worries?"


    My problem is this; my DMC has negotiated full and final settlements with some of my creditors. Two of them are proving sticky, though, and what the DMC are doing is using a set of income/expenditure figures which show my situation as far worse than it is, to push them into selling the debts to companies the DMC can negotiate with. This will probably succeed, and they will take a handsome cut from it - but I worry if it is risk-free for me? is it fraudulent to use the invented figures? They are in fact invented by the DMC, not me.

    Should I go for the Full and Final under these circumstances or simply pay off my creditors and take a hefty hit against my nest egg?

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