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paul Jex

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Posts posted by paul Jex

  1. My father passed away on the 29/10/2010.He was married,But she was my stepmother.My dad told me he wrote 2 letters 1 for me and 1 for my sister and also a will.But after he died things dissapeared.But my step mother said she would go by my dads wishes.Now we been banned from his house and they say that he signed everything over to her.she won't show me anything thats in my dads name.But not even 24 hours after my dad passed away she was trying to close his bank accouts down.I told her about probate and she said it doesn't apply to her because theres no will,But i know there was one,So is she right on that one,Because i am seeking advice from a solicitor next week,But can she touch anything now before probate because i don't know if my dad was worth under £5.000 or over 250.000.As she won't tell me nothing just that he had loans and they have to be paid back,But i know he didn't have any loans.Also if someone comes forward and says there was a will but they were not a witness.Does that make the will valid as they say "There was not one".Theres more to it,If i ask to look at stuff all i get is"your only after the money"but they keep saying theres no money But i will say when someone replys to my post.But way should she walk away with everything and we get nothing.Really bad.But Thanks guys.Hope this makes some sense

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