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Posts posted by Papermaker

  1. I am so pleased. I will never forget how I felt when I opened that letter. All the posts on here helped me make the right moves and I never sent the guy a penny. There are thousands like me. I hope he feels as bad as all of us put together. A first class S**T whose greed overcame any thoughts of the effect he had on people lives, hiding under a smokescreen of self righteous, hypocritical, double standards. Fortunately he became too arrogant, made too many mistakes and will now pay for it. Don't feel sorry for him, I hope he gets locked up

  2. Hi, I've just received my second letter from ACS Law stating my first response (letter of denial) was a standard response which can be downloaded from the internet and therefore reject my letter. They are still demanding the same £295 for downloading the song "Evacuate the dancefloor". Has anyone else recieved a second letter alsoany advice would be appreciated.


    Yep, I have received exactly the same as yourself, looks like another batch has gone out. I sent an LOD after the first letter, there are varying opinions on what to do after your second letter, ranging from ignore it, to send a 2nd LOD. I'm just going to ignore this one, although, I would really like to write a long letter, telling them what I really think about them, especially the leak of my details on the Internet !!!

    That seems to have gone quiet at the moment, one minute half million pound fines being bandied around, companies being made bankrupt, SRA investiagtions being made, e-mails published on how companies operate and on how much money they owe, newspaper headlines, BBC news.

    Next, it's business as usual, let's send some more letters out, let's rake some more money from unsuspecting, unknowledgable punters. I don't understand how this can happen, once a company is, alledgedly, under investiagtion from two governing bodies ? :violin:

  3. I received my 2nd letter from ACS Law today. Pay up within 14 days, or else !

    I'm pretty peed off with this guy, now, having allowed my name and address to be plastered

    all over the Internet, he now has the cheek to continue to hound me, how can this happen,

    with all the alledged trouble this guy is in, how can he continue to threaten me and my family

    and cause upset to us all. Won't somebody please please, give this guy what he deserves,

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