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Posts posted by Synthshadow

  1. Hi Sawiak911,


    I took your advice and called them uop, spoke to a guy (damn realisation hit that I should have got his name...) anyway I asked about whether they'd received my appeal, of which after he took my name and address, confirmed that yes they had "received 1...2...3...4 pages worth of it"


    His tone of exasperation when counting the pages caused me to smile - additionally he said it's all on hold for the time being. rather ominous but will take my victories where I can get them, no matter how small or temporary. Fingers crossed!

  2. Hi all,


    Just a quick update - or lack there of so far, as I sent my e-mail appeal on the 20th when I wrote on here and to date I haven't received a single reply, be it via e-mail or post, is that right? Can they leave me dangling so to speak for a certan amount of time? Or is this just normal procedure...


    I have the fizzy wine on chill just in case but frightened to crack it open just in case they wallop me the next day!:-)

  3. Hi Bernie and others.


    I, like many of you on this thread have been recently caught by this camera and have just this minute sent off my appeal.


    I must confess I have copy/pasted 99% of the wording on the appeal, I hope you don't mind Bernie and Londonmotorist101 as I'm really not au fait about constructing a professional appeal - or appealing in general, up til now I've been very much a "lay back and think of England" approach to fine paying.


    Does anyone know or has anyone had any recent victories as regards appealing against this camera? Or have I potentially missed the window before Tfl made necessary adjustments to pooh-pooh any future appeals?


    Many thanks once again, and hope to be able to update here with another victory story!

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