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Posts posted by phobos2272

  1. Somewhere up in Scotland, I remember they formed a claimant's union, and had a system going where 'advisors' at the job centre could be blacklisted by claimants, who would refuse to see an advisor who had displayed a crappy attitude. A petition was signed by anyone who had experienced her rude, condescending nonsense. They managed to get one woman like your 'advisor' transferred away from any dealings with the public, the woman was sat there day after day with nothing to do and a catalogue of complaints about her on her manager's desk. We need more of that kind of thing, I think. What other public organisation would allow its clients to be treated like dirt? If nobody complains, she gets away with it, and people claiming benefits are very often already at breaking point. It's not on.


    They've started playing games with people on working tax credits now, too. It's all a mix of psychology (create aversion to claiming anything) and saving money so the banks don't have to pay back what we bailed them out with. Anyway, with unemployment set to rise and rise, it's an appalling way to be treating people who find themselves in a position of having to claim on their national insurance payments. I'd like to see the people to blame for this trying to survive with no money for weeks.


    I hope it all worked out for you in the end.

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