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Posts posted by Summer

  1. Hi, I faxed a polite refusal to D&G on Friday morning so they're working on quick turnarounds for the full offer. I guess you should receive another letter Thursday or Friday and then the money will follow soon after. Well done!

  2. Well would you believe it ... letter from DG Solicitors received this morning offering 50% of claim. Of course I shall fax a reply as follows:


    FAO: Deborah D’Aubney

    DG Solicitors

    2 Calthorpe Road



    B15 1QZ

    Dear Sirs


    Thank you for your offer of £xxxxx. as part settlement of my claim.


    Your offer is not satisfactory, although I am prepared to accept this sum, unconditionally, in part-settlement of my FULL claim of:

    Total Charges = £xxxxx

    Legal Fees = £xxxxx

    Interest = £xxxxxx (this is as of today’s date)


    I shall continue to proceed with my action to recover the remainder of my claim.

    I wonder what will happen next?:rolleyes:

  3. Hi Matheos, has there been an update yet on moneyclaim for you?


    I'm getting more anxious/nervous/excited as the days go by and have just had to increase my overdraft this month by another £250 (from having paid for the court costs).


    I keep reading other threads to see whose claims have been acknowledged.

  4. I'm hoping they've overlooked it so that I can enter a Judgement by Default. There will be a certain amount of pleasure in being able to decide ".... how and when you want the defendant to pay. You can ask for the Judgment to be paid by instalment or in one payment." :)


    Knowing my luck they'll acknowledge it on the last day and then take the full 28 days before doing anything else.


    The worst part is that I'm going to be away from Friday morning until Sunday afternoon and won't be able to access the internet to check what's happening.

  5. I'm hoping they've overlooked it so that I can enter a Judgement by Default. There will be a certain amount of pleasure in being able to decide ".... how and when you want the defendant to pay. You can ask for the Judgment to be paid by instalment or in one payment." :)


    Knowing my luck they'll acknowledge it on the last day and then take the full 28 days before doing anything else.

  6. Hi, at least you know DG solicitors have your paperwork so you should expect acknowledgement and an offer for 50% very soon. I thought mine would have been there by now as it was filed a few days before yours but I guess with staff being away at this time of year they might just be batching them all together and sending them once a week. Just checked Moneyclaim (again!) but still nothing.

  7. I'm hoping for an acknowledgement early Friday morning as we're going away for a couple of days and I won't be able to check online again until the Sunday evening. I'll let you know as soon as I do and hope you hear something soon too.

  8. Hi Matheos,

    I think FD are going to hold out until the last minute on our claims. I thought that by sending them a hard copy of the Moneyclaim form and another copy of the schedule charges being claimed for that it might speed things up but obviously not:mad:


    Anyway, I suppose we can look at it that the interest is just increasing day by day:p

  9. Still no acknowledgement of the claim and their time is running out as they only have until 6th August (yes it is a Sunday!) to reply. Perhaps I'll have the opportunity to enter Judgement by Default :


    "The defendant has not filed an admission or defence to my claim

    (Judgment by Default)


    You will need to decide, how and when you want the defendant to pay. You can ask for the Judgment to be paid by instalment or in one payment."


    I wonder if anyone from FD reads these forums?

  10. Hi, just to say they've not acknowledged my claim yet either and I keep hoping everytime I log into Moneyclaim that it will have changed. Their time is running out quickly so I would expect some sort of reply within the next few days or I'll have to enter Judgement by Default.


    Or are we the cases that will go to court? Looking forward to the outcome in the next few days

  11. Well done and I understand from other forums that you should expect a letter from FD's solicitors within the next day or two.


    Still waiting for my claim to be acknowledged!

  12. Hi, there are a few of us that issued claims around the same date as yours and they haven't been acknowledged yet. Mine was issued on 18 July, was deemed to have been served 23 July, and FD have until 6th August to reply, so I'd guess yours is very similar. If they do not reply by 6th August then a judgement can be made through Moneyclaim. I understand it's frustrating when we're all so close to getting our money back but just a little more patience and we'll get there........

  13. Hi, it does seem a bit worrying as reading through some of the threads there are claims that were submitted after ours and they've been acknowledged. FD appear to be dragging their heels on the larger claims - they obviously want to hold on to our money even longer!:mad:

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