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Posts posted by Curecaterpillar

  1. lol, my daughter was at Manchester, where do you live if she has to fly home?


    I live inbetween Portsmouth & Southampton so it would be so much quicker for her to fly home than a 5 hour drive there and then 5 hours back. Her father lives in Manchester but she's decided he's let her down once too often and won't have anything to do with him now. I think the fact that he didn't offer to help her get started in Uni and didn't send her a birthday card was the final straw :(

    She's phoned me today cos I managed to stick my thumb nail in my eye and scratch my cornea on Saturday night so she now thinks I'm incapable of keeping safe without her being here:lol:

    She is Saffy to my Eddie!!:embarassed:


    P1 - sounds like your daughter is having a scream. Oops, wrong movie :wink:

  2. Oh I don't know..........a load of hunky firemen coming to rescue you out of the foamy bubbles. Just got to make sure you bathe with full warpaint on :wink:


    Update on the integrating thing....spoke to my girl last night and she'd just been to do her laundry only to realise afterwards that she'd washed her clothes and forgotten to put any detergent in the machine. Sweet mother of pearl! Also asked if she enjoyed the pub and how she got on with the new people she'd met. She told me she had a fantastic time drinking cocktails and having a laugh with her new friends and she got back to her room at 12:30............................................THE NEXT AFTERNOON!!!!!! :jaw:


    She now started to ask when I'm going up the Manchester to see her (and buy her stuff) and that she wants me to come and pick her up when they finish for Christmas even though I said I'd buy her plane tickets to fly home. She's joined 3 societies and just seems to have settled in so well apart from complaining about some 'rowdy' students who appear to be using her kitchen instead of the one allocated to them :roll:

  3. Well done you! I've been wondering how you got on. Sorry to hear you've hurt your back though and I hope it's all sorted out before your daughter is home in two weeks. Glad to hear she's happy and raring to go too :-D:hug:


    The big thing I was worried about was how my daughter would integrate. Her being an only child she's more than happy with her own company and she's never been one for going out to the pubs and clubs, it's just not her scene. However, she was really excited about Freshers Fair and being able to join some societies and clubs. I text her on Thursday night to see if she'd got some mail that I'd forwarded up to her (bank cards and stuff) only for her to text back to say she was in the pub with some people from one of the societies and I was elated. She was also planning to make a curry for her and the girl in the room next to her last Friday night. I feel much more comforted now. Second phone call tonight :whoo:


    I just need to sort myself out now. The house is just too quiet and empty and though it's not a big house it feels too big. I'm seriously thinking of selling up and moving to be nearer my bf. There's nothing keeping me down here anymore. Just need to be brave enough to do it.:fear:

  4. 2 weeks for Freshers??!!! Oh my lord!! Talk about milking it! :jaw:


    Crikey, Dotty, that sounds like a nightmare. The main thing I was concerned about was getting my daughter into halls and decent halls at that. Luckily with her being at Manchester Uni their was no shortage of decent accommodation. To have a landlord threaten eviction and because of a parent it unthinkable! I'm glad it's all sorted out but I hope the parent responsible doesn't make anymore trouble for the other residents of the house again.


    I had the weirdest experience today. I went shopping, as usual, to Sainsburys and while I was walking around I just didn't know what to buy. I usually pick things up mainly because my daughter wanted them but now I had to shop for things I wanted/needed. I was completely flumoxed and ended up buying a couple of things for her as I know she'll want them when she does come home again and it gave me some comfort to do that. On the up side.....FIRST PHONE CALL TONIGHT :whoo:

  5. Ah, Dotty, yes. I love lamb, she doesn't so I never bothered cooking it when she was home. I feel a nice bit of roast lamb for one coming on 8-)


    When my eldest daughter went to uni I was very upset, cried all the way home, that evening she came back! We had to take her back again the next week! :roll:


    :lol: that made me laugh!! Oh my lord!


    PriorityOne - I'll be thinking of you this weekend. This forum has helped me so much, thank you all :-)


    Today was my first day back at work and apart from one loud mouthed plank who didn't seem to get the hint that my eyes welling up and me walking away was a sign that I didn't want him to remind me (by aksing about it very loudly down the middle of a very big open plan office) that I now live in a house all by myself, it wasn't too bad. It can only get better, eh?

  6. PriorityOne - My heart goes out to you and I hope you cope better than I am currently. I've been feeling myself getting lower and lower about it for a few months and now it's just erupted. I really didn't know it would be so hard. Her father has been no help at all.........I wouldn't mind so much but he actually lives only 20 minutes away from where she's moved to! I actually got in such a state last night that I sobbed like I was a 5 year old again, the snotty nose and gasping for breath type. My poor bf must have thought I was mad but he just cuddled me until i calmed down.


    Sod'em - yes, she has a laptop but I don't want her to see me like this or know I'm this upset. She's extremely protective over me and it would upset her very much to know. I'm trying to resist the temptation to text her to check she's ok every few minutes and I've told her that I'll call her on Wednesdays and Sundays for a chat so that she can get used to a routine of communication. If she needs me any other time then she's free to call or text me but I'll not bug her incase she starts to resent me for it.


    I suppose at the end of the day, this is the price you pay for unconditional love. I'm so proud of my girl but i'm mourning our time together and her needing her mum every day. We don't really own them, we just have them on loan till they're ready to fly. I'm counting down the days till Christmas break now.

  7. I delivered my daughter to Uni at the weekend, 250 miles away from home. I'm completely and totally bereft and unconsolable. I can't stop crying. My house is empty and feels cold without her. She's my only child and I've raised her on my own for the last 9 years. I have no family near me and my bf lives 180 miles away. He was fantastic this weekend in helping us both but now I'm on my own and I'm missing my girl so much. I don't know if it's normal to feel this upset about it. :Cry: I've got to go back to work tomorrow and i have a very responsible job - i can't break down crying in the middle of the board room! I just don't want to leave the house.

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