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Posts posted by adspur82

  1. Just thought I would add a quick update on this, after several phone calls to CFO they did eventually agree to refund the £100, without fully accepting they had done it fraudulently.Obviously at this point I am happy to get the money back, I am in way over my head with other PDL companies and am struggling to have the energy to fight them all so I havent pursued this any further.Thank you for all the helpful posts on this.

  2. Hi Ameila - I am at the early stages of trying to resolve mine, I have 13 lenders of which many are the same as yours.How did you get on with each of yours in terms of getting a realistic repayment agreement in place? It seems that the ones that have offered me a unmanageable repayment offer are scaring me by insisting interest and charges will continue to be applied if I dont accept the offer.

  3. Money Hole - This is the post I have been hoping to find. I am almost in exactly the same position. Through a horrible gambling addiction I have managed to dig such a deep hole over the years but in recent time and the emergance of PDLs I have slipped to rock bottom.I owe around £6k too and it covers around 13 different lenders, I already owe my parents a fortune from previous requests for help when I was younger so am now in a position where I cant ask anyone.I need to dig them out the hard way but it is just so difficult, I have a wife and 2 children and they have suffered enough from my stupid actions in the past but I cant imagine how hard this is going to get.Ive started trying to contact everyone and explain my position, some have been understanding, others not so and a couple have just point blank ignored me.

  4. Thanks very much Ell-enn. No I didnt mention her at all in the application.The first link to my wife was this week after sending the screenshots showing the money they had taken, they called me to ask what my relationship with her was, at that point they said this was why the money was taken.Looking at the overall big picture I dont want push for this back for them to then hound my wife, do you think my idea of using the potentially illegal actions they have done as leverage to clear her debt is advisable? Or should it be reported to the correct channels and deal with the issue of my Wifes debt seperately? I didnt know about this loan of hers but obviously dont want to just wash my hands and chase back my £100 and leave her in trouble with them if that makes sense.

  5. Good MorningThis is my first ever post here, but Ive been a regular visitor here for a good few years picking up some great advice.This is one that I cant see in any similar posts so I thought Id put it down to see what you think.Basically the background of the situation is that I have been struggling at the wrong end of the finance world recently, and have resorted to taking out a few paydays etc, Ive always paid them back or rolled and have never missed a payment or anything.Anyway I had a loan with CFO earlier in the year and then repaid it on the next payday in full no problems.....I then recently reapplied for one but was declined...again not a problem with that at all. But then to my horror last week CFO took over £100 out my account and attempted more!! When I called them to find out why they couldnt tell me, I had to wait for the items to appear on my online bank statement and then send them screenshots to prove the funds were taken by them.The most worrying part of it was the loan I had from them in early 2011 was a bank ac that I now no longer use and the money they took this week was from my new account which they would have only have known the details as they were on the declined application!!Further calls and emails later I was then told that the reason the money was taken was due to an unpaid loan taken out by my wife!! They strongly insinuated that she had fraudulently used my card details on her application!!After speaking to her she said that was total nonsense, she had taken a few pdays out a few years ago and had gotten into a mess but had never used my card details and wouldnt never had known them to anyway!My digging made me realise the start date on the card is only a year ago so if the loan was prior to that then it was actually impossible anyway and so the accusation that my Wife made a fraudulent application is totally wrong and unfair.She then called them to find out more and they confirmed the loan was Nov 09 (therefore card didnt exist) and they said in the small print of the contract they were entitled to use card details from linked people to claim repayment.Sorry for such a long post but basically I am in a position now where Im trying to resolve this without a long and drawn out battle. I am happy the "fraud" claim is total nonsense and am hoping someone can confirm if what they did in taking my details off my declined application and using them to take money off my wifes arrears is actually allowed?If it isnt I have that in my favour and the fact that they made wild accusations about my Wifes applicaiton too, I am hoping I can use these 2 reasons to possibly agree for them to accept the £100 they got as full and final settlement of my wifes outstanding loan.She says it was for £150, but when she phoned they are saying the balance (after deducting the £100) is still £580 odd now.Any help/advice is greatly appreciated and also if you think my idea of almost agreeing not to take action over the unauthorised payments in return of settling the loan is a good idea.Thanks for reading..phew I need a lie down now!

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