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Posts posted by keefo

  1. Ok.... so, let me start from the beginning...


    I pass my test in Nov 2007, and have a crash on December 2007... Wrote off my nice little Saxo Furio, and this is basically what happend...


    It was raining pretty bad and i went though a cross road without stopping due to there being no signs/road-markings had been dug up and floor re layed without re-marking, i thought i was on a main road where the side streets gave way to me, so i just went through...


    Next thing i know the world is in slow motion and i see a nice HUGE transit van heading for my door/rear arch, i smashed me, i spin, i smash into a parked Fiesta, whom the owner was in the pub across the road.


    all detail's exchanged, all breathalysed i think... i know i was... and the guy from the pub obviously wasnt.


    soooooo, 2 years down the line (last year, about same time as crash)

    i get a nice letter saying "Mr fiesta dude is suing you for loss of earnings for £2k"

    So i was like WTF!! sent all details to my insurer at the time (i had moved to a new insurer)


    and that was the last i heard of it... till last freaking month, i got this letter through...




    i thought "WTF?? didnt attend what???"


    This was sent the day i went ibiza, so i didnt see it for 3 weeks, but before i even got back... this arrived...




    And this is now i stand at the moment... for one, i have NO idea what these things are, i was aplying for a loan at my bank the other day and they said i had a CCJ... i dont even know what that is... im guessing its these freaking things.


    anyone know where i stand? this is royally ****** me off, shouldnt they be contacting my insurer at the time instead of instantly stabbing my financial score for what i have been told can be 5 years.


    for one, i aint freaking paying it. they can get stuffed.


    but they say i "havnt replied to the claim form" .... but i havnt had one, and if my insurer hasnt, how the hell have they already for the 1.4k

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