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Posts posted by philbridges

  1. BPA are just trade association who look after their members (check their web pages - "The British Parking Association represents over 700 organisational members from the entire parking and traffic management sector")


    Best thing you can do is spread the word as to what a massive legal con this is and point out just how many people get ripped off. The watchdog article on YouTube I mentioned above say it all really.


    (Would someone who has over 20 posts on this forum please add the link so people can click the link please, I haven't posted enough to provide the link, thanks)

    Fact - Most pay up and do not challenge this, I'm wiling to be this figure is in excess of 95% if the locals I've spoken to are anything to go by.

  2. We have a team of copyright lawyers at work and all said the same thing as my divorce lawyer, if you have a reasonable excuse explain it to the company by recorded mail and and leave at that. Don't waste time following up any letters from CCS as they'll reply standard template letters about 'papers being prepared' and someone coming round your house to discuss the problem ya da da (check the spelling and grammar on those letters to get a better idea of who these people are!)


    I've yet to find anyone on this or any the forum that has actually been taken to court with the exception of one which was thrown out by the judge because he said there was no way the parking customer could justify such a huge amount widely reported in the national papers. Citizens Advice said the same thing.


    I have to hand it them they have a brilliant business model, most people Do pay up though ignorance and fear. At the very least I'd suggest you pop along to CAB or blow £35 on 20 minute solicitor consultation, also long as you have a reasonable excuse which you can prove. Taking you to court is a very risky business for them and many Small claims court judges do not take kindly to the public being bullied, the case would be heard locally too BTW.


    Even if by some freak chance this did go to court the judge would only permit reasonable charges and your liability of legal fees I think is limited to £80 or something. You couldn't get a CCJ unless you decide not pay what the judges ordered. Don't take my word for this, check with CAB or similar, you'll be surprised I suspect! I asked them to take me to court to resolve this but so far they've declined.


    Please let us know your progress., and don't forget, it's not a 'fine', it's an invoice.

  3. Well it's been a month now since Valley Parking passed this over to a 'debt' collection agency called CSC Collect who called and said they would be chasing the 'debt' from here in on. They mentioned legal action option was an option so I said "YES PLEASE". let's sort this out, I've done nothing wrong here. That was back in September, nothing heard since..


    I'll keep you posted folks.... it's a shamed some of the other people who've started posts on here haven't updated them.

  4. Caveat - "He" is actually a "she" and a divorce lawyer so not strictly her area of law:-)


    You're right, I have to put my hand up her and admit to paraphrasing slightly here, what she said was that the subject in question was one of trespass and very difficult to enforce. She believes I made a reasonable attempt to abide by the T & Cs laid out (i.e. I had gone to the trouble of obtaining a ticket). She aslo said the fact the ticket is not adhesive could also make it not fit for purpose apparently too.

  5. In case anybody's interested I had the first debt colletor letter today from "CCS Collect". My Solictor said ignore them and let them take you to court as I'd done nothing wrong and had a valid ticket!


    I'm guessing I should expect some more threatening letters now.. ?


    I'll keep you all posted anyhow..


    PS To Buzby, I hope you're right and I'm wrong, we're all guessing here but even at 25% it must be money for old rope as far as they are concerned.

  6. As stated previosly.. "this a is civil matter relating to trespass so can’t attract a county court Judgment whatever the outcome."


    Sadly I’ve heard of 2 local people who have coughed up, I’m guessing 9 out 10 people pay up, this is screaming for a test case and some national TV coverage, come on media, where are you when we need you? it's a shamed this thread doesn't get a higher page rank when you Google "Valley Enforcement" or "PPS Premier Parking Solutions Ltd' .

  7. I also received a ‘fine’ back in June for not displaying a ticket (it fell off the dashboard.zzzzzz) . 3 letters so far so I ran them by my divorce solicitor. OK, so not her area of expertise but she said just ignore all the letters and threats and let them take you to court.


    She says the fact the ticket is not self adhesive is evidence the ticket is not ‘fit for purpose’, which perhaps explains why most local councils use self adhesive tickets.


    She also said this a is civil matter relating to trespass so can’t attract a County Court Judgment whatever the outcome, and even if I lost I wouldn’t wind paying their full costs, seems to be a no brainer doesn’t it?


    Small Claims court judges tend to use common sense where the law permits, she reckons a judge would take a very dim view of ‘bully boy’ tactics.


    And finally the court case would have to be heard where the event took place, in my case Argos, Totton, Hants, no problem for me , and in any event I'd claim loss of earnings and my correspondence time regardless of the outcome.


    Looking through these posts it’s clear these pests use a template letter as specific queries are never answered, guess I should spotted that earlier. Don't take my word for it.. test them with a question! I’m willing to bet 9 out 10 pay this supposed ‘fine’ as any honest law abiding citizen would.


    So, it seems the best way forward is for one of us to bring this to court and see what the outcome is and fire it of to the likes of BBC Watcdog and the media in general. Now that I’m clued up I’m up for it and will publish my findings both here and on my blog http://philbridges.com which gets amazingly high Google hits (never figured why that is?)

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