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Posts posted by Domas

  1. Been very hard work - I have 'Quality Systems' from the ######## Primary Care Trust they are looking into deleted medical records...MRI scans had also gone missing, it's never ending..

    I had colicky pain and jaundice late 2007, I was aware that I was not very well, was told first that my gallbladder was enlarged with stones this was blocking my bile duct to my liver all this was from an ultrasound, blood was OK. I have letters from 2 NHS Trusts saying it's terminal, and a copy of the scan that I paid for (£800) this was lost to start with but now found when I asked for my money back..!!

    I am sure the insurance company will cover my cost if I can get as much information for them to move this forward..

    Tell me, how did you solve that problem? I heard and read that gall bladder surgery can do well, and there is also some alternative medicine like method of lithotripsy, or breaking the stones.

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