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Posts posted by shaft10

  1. Hi All


    I need some help/advice on my rights with British Gas Business.


    I have a small business (Pub) and have ran up a gas bill of £1100 over the last 4 years.


    I recently (about 4 weeks ago) paid £500 off this bill leaving a total of £640 now owing.


    However in the meantime British Gas Business applied for a warrant of entry and successfully entered my business while I was not there and removed the gas meter.


    They now say I have to pay the £640 owing for gas used, £300 to re-install the meter and £1000 bond which will all need paid up front before I can have the gas meter installed again.


    The £1000 bond will be credited back in 12 months if I keep payments up.


    Obviously I cannot afford this as my business is almost on its knees but I also desperatly need heating and hot water.


    My question is


    'if I pay my bill (£640) so I owe them nothing,

    can I just go to another supplier as I am out of contract with British Gas as I've already broke their T&C's.


    By saying to me I have to pay this bond and installation fee they are assuming I'm staying with them, but I want them out !


    Please help. What are my rights ??



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