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Posts posted by woodyptk

  1. .Hi All


    I've been on this site for a week or so now and got more and more angry reading how much the banks have scoffed of our money..


    On the 8th of march i plucked up the courage to personally deliver my DPA letter requesting my statements for the last 6 years to my local BOS where my accounts are held, 2 days later and "no charge" i had my statements for 2004, possibly only 2004 because i have been on the case for losing £400 during a bank transfer.. and still waiting for my money to be found.


    i went over and asked for the remaining years that they hadnt sent out and they did so for FREE... reading through them and calculating the charges i felt sick!!!.


    from feb 2005 til march 2006.. a staggering £3383 in charges!!!!


    I have now filled out my request form for the charges to be refunded.


    I understand that being in scotland i can only claim up to £750 through a small claims court, maybe i'm wrong and if so.. i would appreciate if anyone knows different to get in touch, but intend to reclaim in portions if possible until the total for that year is refunded.


    I really feel out of my depth here and a bit sceptical but going to give it a try regardless. if anyone can be of any help.. i will keep posting progess reports for other people to view as it will maybe help them get the jist of whats happening also.


    good luck to ya all x

  2. Well the DPA letter has certainly made the bank jump.. :shock: i put in my DPA letter personally to the bank 2 days ago requesting statements from june 2000 and recieved 2004's statements today by post :D, didnt expect anything that quick ... dunno where 2000-2003 and 2005-2006 are but i will find out monday when i go over.. :? .


    good luck to all !! :D

  3. Hi there, was just wondering if i could get some guidance regarding the charge reclaiming.


    I've been with the BOS for nearly 7 years and would say i've had thousands of pounds of charges. :shock:


    On occasions up to £300 a month over the last few months, due to there charges makin my account over drawn, and charges of £28 being debited a month later for being overdrawn, it knocks off a D/D's then applies a charge of £39, sometimes I have had 3 charges off in one day and if theres more to come off then they apply them the next day. :Cry: but am not very clued up on this and just pay the charges to get them off my back



    this really does seem to be too good to be true that they will refund charges , i have fought on numerous occasions with them to get them refunded, and keep getting told they cant do nothing about it,... i had the same conversation with the bank that Mrsmiggins had over the phone, that she posted on monday 6th march


    I look forward to hearing from anyone who can help in any way with the battle with the bank.


    I have printed off the letter requesting the list of transactions and charges applied and intend putting it into the bank today


    wish me luck.. :wink: will keep you posted how things are going :?

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