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Posts posted by sharmu

  1. Hello there, pls forgive me if a similar thread has been posted before. My car was clamped on the 6/08/10 by a bailiff. The reason for this clamp is because a pcn issued in April last yr was not paid by the registered keeper who at tht time was my boyfriend. But the car is on finance and is under my uncle's name, so technically my uncle is the legal owner. I am now the registered keeper of the vehicle with effect from July and have a v5 to prove tht as I have not received my log book yet. But my uncle is still the legal owner since the finance agreement is in his name. I filled in a statement to Tec who issued the warrant and have told the council to put all action on hold. Phoned the council who said if I can show the bailiff proof of ownership then they should release it. But the council have changed their song and are saying its up to the bailiffs discretion to release it or not. Showed bailiff v5 and not having none of it, threatening to tow car even tho tec has informed council all action should be frozen. Phoned council about bailiff and they have turned around and said its practically my fault by law, before u buy a car you should check if it has any warrants e.g tickets speeding fines etc . Another thing is the person who keeps on ringing me is not certified but the name of the person on the levy is certified. The certified bailiff did the clamping and the uncertified one wrote the levy form put his number on there and is the one who has been calling me. I really don't know what to do, phoned the police who said they can't do an awful lot coz its a civil matter. And up until I get my log book they can't do anything coz according to dvla records have not been changed. Phoned dvla who said it can take up to 6 weeks for their system to be updated. So now my questions are the bailiff company know the car is on finance and still clamped it and even threatening to sell it at auction. Can they do that? Also is a v5 document not proof? Can they tow it if tec has informed council that bailiff action should be frozen? Can the uncertified bailiff chase me up even tho on the levy the certified bailiff's name is on it. Can they levy a car on finance not hire purchase? They also took my keys. thank you for answers in advance.

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