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Posts posted by kamal.kl

  1. Hi i have a complaint with vodafone . i've got contract with Vodafone mobile since 4 month and when they send me paper bill they charged me for a different mobile as well which one is not belongs to me.

    I'm Paying £10 a month for 12 month contract which is my own number and they charged me £20 to £30 from April to July which number is not mine and that number belongs to someone else.

    I call to Vodafone costumer service they said they will refund me my money (around £70) but on July they charge me for cancel the number. How they could charge me for those number Which is not belongs to me? if they have my bank details they can do anything as they wish? do i have to pay for cancellation if the number is not mine?

    please suggest me

    thank you

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