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Posts posted by Shotgunfred

  1. I worked for the company - what they do not tell you is they record all their phone calls! So you if have gone for their £99 pound deal they might retain the recording, thats not to say CLC will do anything with it. But if you go on their holiday and don't sign up to their timeshares presentation dont be surprised if an unknown company happens to rise your account before your expiry date!

    [Also they all have a big laugh about how gullible the clients are, the staff pretend to have kids and be just like the clients to develop a trust, they'll have a second person come on the phone and repeat the same pitch to make it seem believable - when really its two people who just want your money!. They’ll direct you to their website to get you day dreaming! Insist on a price list or some kind on fine print, the terms and conditions at least! Ask for the specific resorts name and address including postcode! Ask for the direct number of the resort!

    Ask to pay via a different method than credit or debit card! They'll refuse because more than anything they want your card details!

    The Accommodation is £99 but you will have to pay a huge fine if you don’t go to the meeting, once in their grasp they use all kind of tactics to get money out of you, they'll dazzle you with their catamaran service, and tell you of their California Beach resort in Spain. Looking at the price their asking your better off going to California than some cheap substitute!

    The time share trial they’ll pitch is £3,000 got 6 holidays - not including flights and their lifetime membership is £12-13,000 for 65 years membership which you can pass to your relatives. Ask the same questions count - what if it burns down - what if the company goes bust? What insurance do I get? They’ll smooth talk you, tell you about how many goes on holiday with them, they'll tell you about Jenny Bond (a celebrity that’s never been pitched time shares, and one that’s pretty much forgotten these days). The thing to remember about celebrity endorsements is Chris Morris and the endorsements he got for Cake the made up drug from Prague (YouTube is and see for yourself!).

    Don’t sign anything without a lawyer present, these guys are pro's at making people give them the benefit of the doubt! Don’t be fooled!

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