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Posts posted by obzen

  1. Thanks for the response, I've drafted a letter following a similar outline to yours. I never imagined that a gym membership could be this much of a hassle, and I wish I'd checked the cancellation T&Cs before ever signing up. Can you believe they also wanted a £25 cancellation fee?


    Good luck with your situation, and I hope you manage to find a new gym that doesn't use shady companies like this.

  2. I have a membership with a gym in Gateshead that I would like to cancel. I'm moving to a new place in Newcastle, and because I don't drive it will be completely impractical for me to go to this gym any more. But when I rang Harlands, who manage the payments, they said I need to provide evidence that I am moving outside of a 10 mile radius of this gym. This was not mentioned in my membership agreement, which you can read here:




    Now, I'm only moving within a 5 mile radius (approximately 6-10 miles distance if you go by road), but it would take me nearly two hours to walk, and around an hour by bus to get (allowing for traffic and bus timetables) to the gym. I was told (with no guarantees) that if I put this in a letter, the gym would consider this when I asked to cancel. I'm not satisfied with this; I am a student, I can't really afford to keep a gym membership I'm not able to use if they decide to not let me cancel.


    I would appreciate any advice that you can give me on how to handle this situation. Thanks.




    I forgot to mention: I signed up for a two year membership originally.

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