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Posts posted by The_Normal

  1. Hi thanks for your reply.


    I've since spoken to my dad and he did start a claim as he thought this was the best thing to do (CA told him to start it). Also about the job, what happened was the woman asked if he wanted to do a job search now and my dad being obliging said yes and she recommended a job that was on the system, that was all. I must of misheard what my dad said. It was his JSA face to face interview that he has on Tuesday not a job interview.


    So really my dad has started a claim too soon? Like I said he wants to take a two week holiday from the 1st of August and then spend a few weeks decorating the house. He rang up to get the ball rolling so to speak as he thought this would be the best course of action, but obviously it wasn't.


    So would he be best to cancel the JSA claim and put a new claim in 6 weeks? Will there be any repercussions for cancelling the JSA claim?



  2. Hi.


    My dad was recently found out he was losing his job of 25 years. Unfortunately he only got statutory redundancy which equates to about 7-8k. My dad is still being paid up until the end of July.


    Today he rang up about JSA. He went to Citizens Advice and couldn't speak to anyone because it was appointment only, but someone mentioned to him to ring the JSA up so he did.


    Anyway he rang up today to find out about JSA and the women on the phone ended up putting a claim in for him. He didn't want to put a claim in as his circumstances are changing next week (I'm moving out into my own place) but the (overzealous) woman started a claim anyway. She threatended him with fraud because he mentioned I was moving out next week. She also rail-roaded him into taking a job interview next week (Tuesday) for a 40+ hour job in a kitchen???


    My dad still hasn't got his redundancy cheque and is still in 2 weeks lieu of wages. He is worried that this might jeopardise his redundancy. Plus he was planning on taking a two week holiday after his cheque clears and redecorating his house for a few weeks with some of his redundancy money. He also didn't want to return to kitchen work as the long hours over the last years have been making him ill.


    Now I've been doing a bit of searching about JSA and I'm worried that he has been issued a Notified Vacancy by the woman on the phone and that if he goes for the interview and gets the job, but doesn't want it, his JSA will be withheld?


    My dad is a bit worried about this and wonders what he should do? He is going to try and see the CA on Monday if possible. He is wondering if he can cancel, alter or delay his JSA claim? He doesn't want to jeopardise his redundancy payment by going for this interview while still in lieu of wages. Also, he doesn't want a kitchen job and as mentioned previously he has plans to take a well earned holiday of two weeks and do DIY on his house for another couple of weeks before seeking employment.


    What is the best course of action now?


    edit - My dad also lives in a council house (housing association). He has paid his rent for 25 years and is worried that any JSA problems might affect his housing benefit. Will this be the case?



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