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saturday night drive in

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Posts posted by saturday night drive in

  1. well its been quite for too long, low and behold in the post today I get a letter telling me to remove my property from the patio or they will remove my property and charge me for doing so, my landlord also has tried to push the buck by saying that they are only doing what (and heres the term) is required by the MASTER LANDLORD and any thing concerning the use of the patio is noting to do with them even though they are my landlord and i pay them money and i have it in writing on my fair rent agreements from the past that i pay rent for the patio, i have advised my landlord that i will call the police if anybody comes onto my patio without my permission , i think what they are doing is getting it cleared so they can put a new pitched roof on to stop me using it, have advised the planning office to be ready for a phone call as no permission has been applied for , my landlord keeps sayong its nothing to do with them and its the master landlord who i should be dealing with but im pretty certain they are just trying to cop out of things

  2. so anyway heres a good one ....6 months ago i bought a legal insurance with my contents policy ....i thinks oh good i might be able to get some help..so i write to the insurance company and they say yes you have a good claim...whoopee i think ... oh by the way its not valid cause they sent you a letter a month ealier before you took out the insurance, like i knew that they were going to try legal action 6 months later... thanks for nothing ...yes thats MARKS AND SPENCERS HOME INSURANCE...im sure they are wonderfull and their chairman gets paid millions of pounds for such a super job.. am i p*******d off? of course not! im james fricking Brown, cant you see that happy smile all over my face. I guess thats why there are people like me in the world who are born to be crapped on all the time

  3. spoke to my solicitor who has advised me to see what they are going to try next as she also confirmed that this is clearly harrasment and advised that i have too much evidence against both the other parties for them to stop me using the patio,i have also written to the landlord again advising them that they are causing harrasment and their problem is with the freeholder I would like to thank everybody for their help and kindness, its very reasuring to know that there are people out there willing to help others in need a big thankyou

  4. had an interesting chat with my landlord , they have asked to see proof that i was paying rent on the patio (which i Have) they are basically being harrased by the freeholder to stop me using the patio and threatened with breach of leasei have asked the landlord to check out why they brought a property without the use of the patio when the freeholder clearly knew that iit formed part of my accomidation, seems like the freeholder wants the landlord do the dirty work and get me out , the freeholder has stiched up the landlord , i wish i could prove someone has done something real dodgy here, its getting real nasty fun ahead

  5. ok now had a letter from the landlord stating that i have failed to remove my stuff and stop using the patio and the free holder has threatened legal action against the landlord if we dont stop using the patio and they will then take legal action against us, they are sending someone round on friday to stop us from using the patio will now contact solicitor this afternoon bit worried about someone comming i know i have to let them in but what if they tell me to stop using the patio and threaten me with legal action, im not scared of them but my wife is and she will be there on her own anybody got any advice please

  6. ok good people the letter has arrived as expected, it reads


    as per my previous correspondance asking that you refrain from using the flat roof as a terrace , it has been brought to our attention that you are continuing to use this space and that your belongings are still present

    i therefore request that your belongings are removed and you refrain from using this area with immediate effect. as explained in my last correspondance the area is not owned by regis ( my LL) and is now causing damage to the flat below as it is not strong enough to be used as a terrace.


    there you go , for a kick off they are now in breach of the protection of eviction act section 1977c 43 part 1 section 1 paragraph 1 to 3 . as the area is part of my tenancy

    also the what they now call the flat roof was refurbished in 2006 by a previous landlord who tiled the area so that we could use it as a terrace so I know for a fact it is strong enough for the job, also the new owner of the flat down stairs had a structural servey carried out 2 months ago and nothing was reported then, i also asked him if there was any damage to his flat and he said no, so they are talking a load of tosh and have not given any detail of damage caused

    i am planning to reply quoting the info above .


    i thank you for your help

  7. well im a protected tenant and i dont recall my previous landlord offering me the place to buy, though it went to auction so i suppose i had the chance then so it was not a total secret deal done by my LL and the freeholder though they are both working together to get me out , but proving this is another matter would they needed to inform me in writing that they would offer me the flat first or would a verbal " do you want the flat" count.im sorry to be a bit picky and ask daft things but i just get a bad feeling that something is not right

  8. wow! really think my landlord is in breach of protection of eviction act by trying to deprive me the use of the terrace, now would the free holder having sold the property to my new land lord knowing that i had a protected tenancy but telling the new landlord that they have sold the property to the new landlord with out the use of theterrace area br liable tfor fraud , as they had not told my new land lord the details of the tennacy and so were led to decieve the new landlord ? just a thought

  9. hi thankyou , what a lot to read !!!i was unable to find any section that said that as a new landlord taking over an existing protected tenancy then the landlord takes everything over as was the previous tenacy, I dont know if im looking at the right act are there different acts for harrassment ect?im basicaly going to be threatened again ( harrassed) to stop using the patio and i want to write a letter back saying you took this on and if you or your cohorts have changed my use of the patio terrace then you have breached an act of law quoting said section of the act , if you understand what i mean , thus telling them to poke it in a professional way many thanks for your help

  10. I have about 10 years worth of registered rent documents which clearly state the use of what they call a patio, this year its suprise surprise been omited from my rent registration document i also have lots of letters from my first landlord abut the use of the area and a letter about refurbishment and new tiles, so i have plenty of proof that i have paid rent and used this area shelter is my next port of call should they start getting nasty ,, i can really say shelter are a big help and have helped on several occasions

  11. ok its complicatedI have been in the property for 28 years with 1 landlord as a protected tenant and used the terrace area which is connected by my back door no problem property is sold new owner wants me out so they can convert flats, I wont go so they try to get planning to convert terrace to pitch roof, council says get stuffed they then harrass me about washing which has been put in the same place for 28 years, i tell them they cant stop me they back down but they are not happy so they sell my flat to a new landlord without the use of the terrace, im still using the terrace as i have always done , so then the owner tells the new landlord to stop me using the terrace, i get a letter from new landlord stop using terrace as we dont rent this to you ect ect so someone has done a sneaky and sold the flat knowing that we have the right to use the terrace area hoping that the new landlord will give us aggro , now the new land lord are a right dodgy lot called regency property management , they are a big company but have been on watchdog causing problems to other tennants so i think that kind of fills you in on the situation

  12. spoke to local council private tenacy department ..... basicaly they dont want to know as im not on benefits or an ethnic minority.. suggested I go and see a solicitor.just wondering if I should acknowledge the letter I received as my wife seemed to think that if I ignored them, then they could in fact say that I as I did not reply to their letter then I am accepting what they want.. could they do this ?

  13. i have a flat with a terrace roof,

    now the freeholder sold the flat to my new land lord without the use of the terrace so as to try and force me not to use it

    for hanging out washing and sitting on , which i have used for 30 years.


    now the LL tells me i cant use the terrace even though it is included on my rent registration

    either my LL or the freeholder has breached something as some one is trying to take away something that i have paid rent on for the last 30 years,


    i have a protected tenancy, its almost like selling a house but you cant use the other half cause you dont own it even though you have been the only person who can use it,

    its real complicated.


    i have a back door that leads out onto the terrace area and im the only person who can use it, someone has done something wrong, i hope this makes sense

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