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Posts posted by JoostM

  1. Ok, maybe it's a commercial what I am doing right now. But I've been freaking out with Easyjet for the last 4 months of getting an airport tax refund for my unused flight (I was planning to go from Luton to Malaga with my family of 4 persons, but due to a funeral we skipped the holiday)


    The ticket was 100% non-refundable (a crap reason of course) but I asked for a refund for at least the taxes. It took me 4 months and 18 e-mails with Easyjet but, they didn't even think about a refund.


    Eventually I contacted a guy from link removed (long story, but a friend of mine sold his ticket on this site and they also have a Re-fund service) and paid about 20 USD. 3 days later I got an e-mail from the same guy with the confirmation of a tax refund, and about 60 days later 220 USD showed up on my credit-card statement!!!!


    So, I don't know how they did it, but for some strange reason they did the same thing in 3 days as what I tried to in 4 months.


    Again, this is not a commercial for them or anything like that, but I just wanted to share it with you, because eventually it saved me a lot of frustration. And I was very happy to pay this 20 USD to them. By the way, I think they are based in the Netherlands or Germany (according to their last names in the e-mails) so that was some sort of sign of confidence to me.

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