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Posts posted by onebadday

  1. Hi, I have received the summons now and since I received them late, i have to respond back max by day after tomm.Appreciate the quick help pls.The summon has given 3 options: plead guilty(do not appear in court), plead guilty in person and dont plead guilty.I had sent the apology letter earlier to TFL explaining my circumstances and did mention everything advised but of no use.Now what do u suggest me to do in response to the summon.


    Also, want to know if this would be a black spot on my career and life now? they have mentioned the following acts and section : Section 5(3)(a) of regulation of railways act 1889 as amended by section 84(2) of transport act 1962 and section 18 of the British railways act 1970. please advice if this will bring a criminal record in my name??


    appreciate all suggestions and advices pls....






    I do think that you really are reading a little too much into this. Please stop worrying about things that are incredibly unlikely to happen.


    Whilst they are considered to be a serious enough 'breach of rule' for the matter to be elligible to be heard by a Magistrates Court, these offences are not so important as to be life changing in ANY sense for 999 out of every 1000 convicted offenders.


    If you have received a summons, and if you tell us exactly what the wording of the charge on the Summons is, then we could tell whether any conviction might be recordable, but really, please do stop panicking. The best advice that I think I can give you is to answer their letter to the best of your ability, wait for the response and then you will know exactly what you are dealing with.

  2. Day and night-TFL is the horror of my life these days.....I wanted to seek the opinion from people here that in case they do not consider my reply and decide to prosecute....what would happen then? How is it decided if the offense is recordable or non recordable?


    Ok, so now you have calmed down a bit?


    The letter from Tfl will show what the alleged offence is. It may have the 'Act & Section' shown.


    If you post the Act & section on here, 'someone' will know if it is a recordable or non-recordable offence. The difference is that 'non-recordable' offences do not create a criminal record, and all of your fears about going to America will evaporate.


    If it is 'recordable', I still doubt that it will damage your chances that much, it is 'fare dodging' not international war crimes! Many employers will smile at some youthful indiscretions, as long as they are disclosed. Failure to disclose is (for some employers) a whole different ball game.


    Still probably worth contacting the prosecution team. Unless you are a serial offender, or were 'rude' to staff, they will probably want to close the matter by the easiest route available.

  3. `Hi Wriggler, I full appreciate what u said .Yes indeed my husband will not break the marriage due to this incidence as he knows that this is not me-I am not a fraud.However, I meant to say that he plan to move to US and I doubt that I would get the visa for US with a criminal record as I have read on the forums...I do not know what are the full implications of this prosecution but as far as I understand from the forums,this one idiotic mistake could cost a professional career and movements to other countries like US .Ahhh...I feel so sick of me now....anyways thank you for the motivation.

  4. thanks for your input Stigy. I know that there would be numerous people around who might do it intentional and thus a case of ignorance like mine might fall victim to same mindset of inspectors....I am now waiting to hear from them and will keep you and others posted on this thread....I really need to sort this without any black mark on my records...would appreciate the expert opinions from you and others on this thread.

  5. Ohh...this mean that I would be getting some letter from them soon....can people suggest what should I do??


    As mentioned in my earlier post also,I told him that I was ignorant of this being considered a crime and I mean this....I did not even know that student card is a discounted card until he told me and later when my partner blasted me for using his card....


    I earn decent money and was definitely not trying to save on a few quids, I would say that I was just foolish not to know the rules properly and wanted to save my time , grabbed his card, got it topped up and used....WHAT A STUPIDITY....I am not a british citizen and my partner have plans to move to US as well later...I wonder if this incident will put my future in dark as I could read from posts that this mistake can cost me a criminal record.....Please help............I really need to know what to do..

  6. Lucky you Pilchiri.I got stuck yday for same thing....used my partner's student card in hurry and honestly I was ignorant that this is a crime . I had the impression that I am paying the fare anyways.Sounds foolish but yes this is me.


    The inspector took my details. i mentioned to him of my ignorance and asked of I could pay the whatever difference.However, he mentioned that it was too late to do that.


    I looked online and to my horror found that this is considered as a severe offence and can put a black spot on character forever.I am tensed a lot.


    The details were taken by the inspector on a small notepad on 4 pages and took my signature on the last page.Can anyone please let me know that is there any hope that he doesn't forward this as I wonder if they send these details by tearing the pages from those small notepad.I , instead, would expect it to be some proforma. This is again a wishlist and I might be too optimistic.Would appreciate if people could share their view on this.

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