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Posts posted by Nelly070

  1. The fact that you claim GM have signed off your case,yet your still monitoring the forums. Something smells troll like to me.The fact that GM sent you a letter and no-one else,the fact that you have deleted your posts,the fact that "I think you are a bullsh***r" thats why I don't think your telling the truth.:???::???:


    The fact that I think you work for one of the Shysters involved...Prove me wrong or get back under you bridge.


    I still monitor the forum to see how others are getting on, I spent weeks on this forum desperate to see some break through against ACS/GM and still like to keep up to date despite my own case now being dropped, although I don't need to justify that to you.


    How can I possibly prove that I don't work for them ?

    Im sorry you are feeling sour grapes that my case is dropped and clearly yours hasn't but that isn't my fault is it !!


    If I was a 'shyster' I'm sure I would post far more than I actually do and try to scare monger people, so please lay off the insults.

  2. Great News !!

    Got a letter today from GM saying in light of the info I have provided, they can confirm that they have closed their file on me.

    I sent two LODs to them,the 1st was the template from on here and the 2nd was in my own words.

    They also said "Due to the extent of this campaign, our phone lines have been very busy. We apologise if this caused you any inconvenience or distress"

    "We would recommend that you ensure your internet connection is always secure in order to avoid any future unknown unlawful file sharing activity"


    Hopefully this is the 1st sign of them backing down on the back of the ACS Law fiasco !!

    Hope you all get a similar letter soon.

    At last I can stop worrying about this !!

  3. Im going to sit down later tonight and write a letter to ACS and tell them I know nothing about the the download. I have even thought of saying that I already own the said piece of work but my daughter downlooaded it because she couldnt not rip it to her itunes and thought because she owned the said peice of workm, that it was ok to download. What should I go with guys? What should I put in the letter??


    Don't give them any info to come back at you with. Use the lod template and leave it at that mate.

  4. Having complained to the SRA about ACS LAW, I have received a questionnaire from them to fill in. Anyone else got one?

    And anyone who has not yet complained to the SRA (solicitors regulatory authority) then can i urge you to complain now ! You can do it using their contact form on their website

    Solicitors Regulation Authority - SRA

    The more people that complain the better to keep this in the public eye.



    Yes I got 1 today, going to compelete tonight and send away

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