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Posts posted by disco123

  1. Hi. I have had the exact problem with CFO. Got a Payday loan through them, payed them back interest every month for almost 6 months and then told them I cannot continue interest and would appreciate a settlement amount!. Which they refused and I obliged by telling them to go to hell and changed my card. Then a year later, well actually last week on my payday, they deducted 2 amounts of £250 out of my account!. Obviously you can understand how cross and shocked I was cause that's allot of money!. Tried contacting them with no response. So I called Barclays immediately and cancelled the second amount pending and requested a Visa recall back for the original amount wich means I had to fill out a declaration stating that I did not authorise the amount and will be getting a refund soon. Point is, DO NOT deal with Payday loan companies. The are the lowest **** you can find!. they live off interest. Get a proper bloody job I say!. Oh, and I also sent all correspondence to the Financial Ombudsman to complain about CFO and awaiting a response from them. There email address iscomplaint.info@financial-ombudsman.org.uk ... thanks. I hope this helps anyone effected by Capital Finance One

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