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Andy 1661

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Posts posted by Andy 1661

  1. Well, I have hada happy ending! be it a little late, i did indeed recieve my iphone back in the post like nik said, it had had a new back fitted as i asked and alos the phone did work as it should, it did take almost 5 wks of not knowing if i would see it again, it diod take a lot of time just to get a answer, i think had i not come onto this forum that i would have never heard from them, i do npt believe all the bull**** he is spouting, an now, i dont really care, i did get a phone call from him askin if i had recieved my phone to which i replied yes, but your compnay is the worst i have ever come across and i will certainly never ever recomend it to anyone, and as usuall with there hopeless compnay i recieved a e,mail giving me details of how much and what works needs carrying out for my iphone?????? only this mail wasnt for me, it was for some other poor chap who had asked them to fix his phone, they had sent me his mail with his address and name and phone number on, i did the decent, i called him an informed him how great this compnay was, he said thanks, he will not be useing iphone shabby repairs to repair his phone, to every one else waitin for info from these idiots, best of luck

  2. well people, i have had 2 calls today from iphone repairs, one from nik shaw and he assuered me that my phone was bein delt with an it was just about ready to be shipped, told me he would call back around 6pm, i didnt hold my breath!!! But, someone did call and they said the phone was now fixed and on its way to me, should be here tomorow!, i hope it is, ill let ya know............

  3. I have mailed you and as with your compnay i have had no joy, what is happening with my phone? you have had it now for nearly 4 weeks, why are you or your company not responding to my mails, why does your phone never get answered, why does your online chat now ignore my messages, what is goin on? you need to return my phone now, the phone has been blocked for makin calls, and paypal have been instructed to mail you and if they have no reply by the 9th july the £104 will be returned to me, an i will be seekin further advice on recovering my phone which will be classed as stolen by your company

  4. Well i have mailed Nik and surprise surprise NO REPLY at all today, Can anyone tell me the best course of action, If nothing is heard from over the week end i will be goin to to Yew Tree House myself, but any thoughts are welcome

  5. Wow after recieving nothing for days i have now had a mail from the iphonerepairs, this is there reply to my last mail;-


    also i have had a reply to my thread on here after only a few mins from Mr Nik himself, i hope something is done about this, ill let you all know the outcome,



    I see no updates on your phone, all I can ask the manager to do is contact you. If he does not contact you please contact him via our sales address listed on our website directly. Thanks.



    On Tue, Jun 29, 2010 at 12:29 PM, Andy Google wrote:

    Where is my phone, whats going on, when is it being returned and repaired





    Friday, June 25, 2010 4:34 PM


    Re: Message







    Andy, I will pass this along. Thanks.





    On Fri, Jun 25, 2010 at 8:16 AM, Andy Google

    Retain my phone????, you have my phone for repair, you have been paid £104 for repairs and all im tryin to do is get it returned in working order, why is this so dificult for you to answer? a straight answer, when is my phone being returned fixed an workin as agreed?







  6. This is the mail i sent to them, ill let you people know of any reply, dont hold ya breath,


    i phone repairs

    I thought i would contact you on here being as you will not reply to any of my mails, you have my phone in for repair, you charged me £104 which i promptly paid throu paypal, i have mails sayin its done an ready to be shipped, and nothing then again ready to be shipped, again nothing, then im told the engineers are tryin to call me, ive had no missed calls whart so ever, im at the point now i think you are scammin me, i would like my phone back asap, you have had it since before the 10th of this month, your 24 service is a joke,

  7. I to would like to complain about this company, they have mt iphone now as i write this mail, i have ahd mails from them stating that my phone is ready to be shipped and hasnt, an now they ignore my mails even when i use online chat they do not even answer. what would be my next move? To i-phone-repairs, please return my iphone!!!!!!!!!!!

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