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Posts posted by Slickjack

  1. Again to keep the thread up to date, I got my 8 weeks letter and my file was then still in a que to be worked.

    I spoke to a RBS bloke last week who informs me that my file has been lost, how very convenient for the bank. I had to fill him in with as much information as possible so a NEW file could be created and new documents fron the branch be requested. I think its time I took this else where and it is my oppinion that the bank is just trying to wear people down so that they are more likely to accept the first low offer.

    Were now at 10 weeks and no closer to a conclusion.



  2. I spoke to an RBS employee today, my case is now awaiting action by a case handler.

    I had my 4 week letter but that gave nothing away, using the official time scales as a guide I should know by end of July what is going on and will report back the outcome.

    Fingers crossed :roll:

  3. Afternoon (My 1st post on here)

    I have a claim in the pipeline to RBS for PPI (business loan guard insurance) as attached to a loan I had in 2006, my claim is now ready for action by some RBS employee or other.


    To put you in the picture...

    The finance was to cover exisiting borrowing and an increase to cover other business needs.

    I was told by RBS that the cost of a 15k loan would be apx £360 a month over a term of 60 months.

    On the original loan there was an insurance premium of £1,675 added and two set up fees of £225. my loan account then stood at £17,125 not the £15K as advised. Interest was calculated and added to the account the 1st and every three months.

    In Nov 2008 my business started to suffer with the latest recession but I struggled on like we all do, then in August 1009 the loan was paid in full by way of yet another refinance deal with RBS.


    I was not informed that PPI was being attached to my finance, I wasnt even aware that I had cover. I called to the bank in Dec 2008 to ask for help and advice, no mention of any cover for loans was discussed.


    To top it all the bank has also been taking an insurance premium of £27.45 every month, this payment stopped in May 2009 when my account was handed over to a very helpfull business relationship manager. No mention was made to this payment or why it stopped ? If the payment had continued for the duration of the loan it would have been very close to the original premium as paid as a lump sum in 2006 so in other words I paid twice for pointless cover.


    I am a self employed (sub contracting) security systems engineer, No policy would cover me for loss of earnings due to illness or drop in work load. The insurance was worthless and would have been pointless.


    I recon the bank has charged me some where in the region of £3,300.00 for the PPI and to make matters worse Im still paying interest for it with my new borrowing.


    In my mind this is a clear cut miss sell of PPI not once but twice, I have spoken to my business manager who was good enough to agree that it "would appear the cover has been added twice" though would not go into any further conversations re the matter.

    Were now at the 4 week stage of proceedings, I should get a letter soon to tell me where they are with my claim.


    I would have been none the wiser about this had I not had a need to check my accounts for another matter.



    Advice please,

    Has anyone had a similar story/case ?

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