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Posts posted by chrislib

  1. I recently got the same transfer problem and after reading these posts, I phoned their customer services with some trepidation. They were very helpful and solved my problem, which I relate here so that it may help others to identify or even avoid this problem.


    Because I was buying a house a few year's back, I set my nominated account to that of my solicitor to transfer funds, then reset it after the successful transfer. Since then I have done this a few more times to transfer money to other building societies etc. The Post Office's system remembers all these account changes (probably for security or audit trails), but only allows a finite number before needing human intervention; i.e. asking customer services to delete/reset them. Luckily I got through to someone who understood the problem, got technical services to sort it, and then waited to make sure I could complete the transaction on-line.


    All done within 15 minutes of phoning them, and this was at midday today.


    I will now just keep my nominated account linked to my bank and do any other transfers via my bank.


    This might not be your specific problem, but might give you some useful info to point customers services in the right direction if they haven't checked this.


    If you have changed your nominated account a few times, it might be worth a call to customer services anyway to ask them to delete the old information from your account.

  2. Thanks rebel11, but companies too small for LSE listing, maybe I'm looking in the wrong place, but they don't appear to have much there for consumer help.


    Thanks toddle2u. I expected as much.


    Does anybody know if there is any requirement to inform shareholders, or at least respond their communications?

  3. Thanks for your speedy response.

    Have tried looking on boards on several sites - but those I've seen are either related to advising directors on liquidation or legal documents on shareholders rights. Had no response from same query on the Motley Fool forum.

    I'm surprised that there doesn't seem to be more on the web from other shareholders or about the company, other than selling the last accounting info.


    Hope someone knows something.

  4. Can anybody advise please?


    I have held £500 of shares in both Nunhead Films and similarly in Classic Bloodstock since their launch several years ago.


    Classic Bloodstock 2 was quite well documented because of the fraud case, but Classic Bloodstock was OK.


    I have tried several times over the last few years to contact them at their registered addresses with no response and I have not been able to find out anything on the internet.


    They now appear to be in the process of being struck off.


    Is there any chance of recovering any of my investment or at least get some sort of information as to what has happened.


    Thanks if you can help.

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