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Posts posted by Durkin

  1. Hi DX,


    I understand that there can't be a second default issued on the same debt, so they'll not be able to produce it.  Is that enough to prevent a decree against me?


    I've no idea if they have a copy of a signed agreement wih MBNA but i'm certain no agreement exists between myself and Arrow.


    Is a notice of assignment from Arrow (as opposed to MBNA)  good enough for the court to award a decree against me?  (I'm one of the Northern Rock prisoners that have been forced to deal with Landmark - In that case it was Northern Rock that advised me of this)





  2. Hi Folks,


    The Sheriff allowed me to file a defence today based on Arrow not being honest about a default notice (#3 on the reponing note attached)


    Arrow accepted that they should have served notice in person but tried to insist instead that I had no defence.


    Worryingly, the sheriff suggested that Arrow advising me that they now owned the debt (rather than a note of assignment from MBNA themselves) was good enough for the court to apply for a CCJ against me.


    Please advise the pleas of law that I should use in my defence to keep the CCJ set aside.


    Arrows pleas in law (attached) seem to serve no purpose but to trash my creditworthiness for 6 more years just because they can!





    Debt purchaser pleas.JPG

    Default lies.JPG

    CCJ Reponing Note.docx

  3. Hi Folks,


    Arrow Global have bought a debt from MBNA.  I've refused to deal with them and have continued paying MBNA token payments while I try and find a way forward after the injustice that has prevented me reimbursing MBNA in full.


    During the past 3 months, while I've been away, a Decree has been issued without me having had a chance to defend it.


    Apparently, I can try and repone it.


    Looking through the condescendence (attached) today though, I've noticed a few huge discrepancies:


    I've been paying MBNA regulary every month, Arrow have claimed that the last payment was in March rather than a month before the Writ.


    Potentially more significantly, they're claiming that a default notice was issued in 2019.  (One was issued in 2010 and expired in 2017).


    Having already served 7 years for a default on a debt caused by banksters, it seems a shame to have to sweat a further 6 years as we continue to struggle to buy a family home while being denied reparation.


    Any words of advice for the reponing note? 

    Should I even recognise Arrow; I'm not keen to deal with them, as I hadn't signed up for it. 

    My wife certainly wants nothing to do with them.







    Arrow Global CCJ.pdf

  4. Hi Folks,


    They decided to slam on the brakes with more lies.


    The dishonest judiciary in Scotland continues to refuse to protect the innocent party from injustice.


    Human rights violations and continuing intentional harm completely poo-pooed.


    How can completely different actions that happened after an earlier ruling possibly have been decided in the earlier ruling?


    Could I have gone about the human rights violations differently? Do I really need to trot off to Europe to highlight the dishonesty


    Parliament remains keen to protect the malfeasance and it seems that attitude needs to change before any of us will achieve justice and appropriate redress.





    Final_judgement_Dec_22 with comments.doc

  5. Hi Folks,


    Can interest incurred on legal expenses be claimed against a perpetrator?


    For example, if a high interest credit card is used to pay for representation against a bank that have deliberately refused redress for more than a decade, the interest alone has more than tripled the cost of litigation.


    Can the victim claim any expenses?


    For example, having to hire a private detective to trace the key witness to the crime?


    I'm stuck with Scottish Law at the moment but I'd be interested to hear if it's possible in England.


    Of course, there ought to be provisions for this and it has been talked about. I'm just wondering if it's a reality yet?





  6. Hi Folks,


    I decided to appeal the Aberdeen sheriffs incoherence!




    The sheriff ruled that my fresh case was "res judicata" (already decided), despite ruling that the fraud aspect wasn't.


    The sheriff principal backed him up but also mentioned a few aspects of the case that weren't res judicata.


    Neither interested in seeing justice done on their watch!


    The judge in the Inner House did have the good grace to acknowledge that the earlier Inner House ruling was dubious but whether he'll grease the wheels of justice or slam on the brakes will be determined this summer.





  7. Hi Folks,


    The Sheriff Principal in Aberdeen refused to allow me a hearing today not because of Res Judicata or Limitation but because of "Incoherent pleadings" and averments "lacking in specification".


    Worryingly, he was unclear as to which of the new principles I was introducing included malice. He hadn't bothered to ask but it should be clear that malice persists in everything that the bank has exposed us too.


    The sheriff seemed a tad peeved that I "accused" the higher judiiciary of dishonesty despite him having the evidence in front of him of excactly that!


    It seems I'll need to start again with "coherent" pleadings and "specific averments".


    I've attached a new claim. Please help with pleadings and suggest what might be inspecific in the averments.


    Perhaps it's time to have a go in the Royal Courts of Justice?





    Initial Writ 25 Feb 2016 no add.doc

    Refusal to hear evidence 25 Feb 2016.jpg

  8. Thanks SP,


    I can see the legal costs mounting while the injustice persists. I'm doing all that I can in the hope that it'll not be necessary to take the law into my own hands.


    It is a fresh litigation. Entirely different from the prior litigation. Something the sheriff seems keen to overlook in favour of the (edit) bankers.





  9. Hi Folks,


    The local sheriff is seeking to deny justice by incorrectly applying res judicata.


    He's allowed a motion to prevent new facts and evidence being heard.


    His interlocutor and my intended appeal attached for those interested.


    I'm getting very peeved at the injustice and judicial corruption that I am encountering.


    Any tips on how I might modify the appeal?





  10. Richard, I have tried to tweet just the post - but it will only post the thread because the url doesn't alter. I have included the post number in the tweet. Alternatively you would need for the post to be in a new thread of its own with a link back to this thread. ? If you would like me to do that, I can.


    Thanks CB, I think it's best to leave things as they are, all in one thread. It will be interesting if I manage to find justice after being originally rebuffed by the "supreme" Court.





  11. Hi Folks,


    I've edited (in red) my pleadings attached here.


    11 Human Rights issues included should they become necessary.


    First to dodge res judicata and prescription. Neither should be used to defeat justice and defend incorrect decisions but lets see what the sheriff says on Thursday.






    How do I get this post linked to a tweet (as opposed to the whole thread)?

  12. that would be the CRA negligently reporting a malicious falsehood rather than intentionally doing it, so would not be a conspiracy to defraud.


    The evidence from the prior litigation shows that it was intentional.


    It's time to put an end to this ruinous oppression being bestowed upon us by criminal bankers.


    Lets hope Scottish Law won't alllow res judicata and time restraints to block justice in favour of these criminals and absurd rulings.



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