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Posts posted by panickingmum

  1. Hi stop panicking mum!!


    Ok default entries on CRA file are removed after 6 years paid or not, no further entry can be registered, it has been known for DCAs and Creditors to attempt to replace a Default BUT the Information Commissioners Office View on this is that it should not be done as it places the data subject at a disadvantage compared to a debtor who has made no effort to pay.


    Yes you can challenge the late default as unafair,first place a notice of dispute on the CRA files, the you need to make a formal complaint to the Data Controller of the creditor that has placed this entry.





    Ok that all sounds good, I keep on checking and defaults have not reappeared despite payments have been made. My husband and I have 6 years perfect payment history on 2 credit cards, car loan (paid off) bank account overdraft (paid off) and Vodafone account. They will all still be there when defaults gone.

    Thanks again for the reply




  2. Sorry, and as an additional question to add, one of my accounts was not defaulted untl 2 years after I was first clearly in difficulty (3 missed payments on account etc). Do I have any possibility of asking for that default date to be changed? I read somewhere the finance companies should default you within 6 months. That would then bring the date of my last default to be 6 years old forward hugely and a mortgage application becomes more of a reality than a dream.

    There is nothing in it for them as those defaults had F&F years ago now, but is it worth a try? Wish I had thought about all this back in the day, would have pushed for default much quicker if I had.

  3. Hi

    I've now read many many threads on this query but they all seem to be conflicting so would be most grateful for a reply to my speecific query as the correct answer will HUGELY impact my ability to get a mortage over the next few months.

    I got in to financial difficulties 7 years ago now as my son was diagnosed with autism, he was exluded from school and attempted suicide on a number of occasssions (he was 8), I had to give up work. We were over committed on only one wage and defaulted on may accounts. I went back to work when he got the help he needed, and have managed my credit well since then, mortage up todate, no missed payments on my credit card, no missed on my Vodaphone account etc.


    I managed to make full and final paynments on nearly all my defaults, but 2 would not settle and I have paid on an arrangement ever since. These 2 unsettled defaults are now 6 years old, they always showed on my record as default, never as Arrangement to Pay. I have checked my CRA files and they are no longer showing. Great!


    However, now cannot sleep for worrying that they will reappear next month as AR - arrangement to pay, but with the default not showing. Obviously this would be no better for my credit rating than a default.


    I have read many threads and the answers are conflicting, would be really grateful for a definitive answer. I am more than happy to continue paying the amount I pay on the arrangement. Is easily affordable, and I get no hassle from the creditor. However if by continuing the account shows up as AR it hardly seems worth it.


    The accounts I settled (paritally) I understand will just drop off, it is these 2 unsettled that I am panicking about!


    Any advice really appreciated. My boys have all had to share a room for 6 years because we have not been able to move. My eldest has to go by taxi to his special school because we cannot move closer. I so want this to be over for them, we've paid our price now and I am terrified of this being dragged out longer.


    Many thanks

  4. Hello

    I won't go in to the history of my appeal against an unfair dismissal here, but I would be grateful for advice on a procedural issue.

    My appeal hearing was 22 days ago now. I have not heard a word from my previous employer in response to my appeal. At the appeal hearing they said 'obviously we can't tell you today, we will be in touch'

    I am not sure whether their is any statutory/ ACAS guideline on reasonable response times. I don't want to start hassling them for a response if it is completely normal for an appeal response to take this long.

    Andy advice much appreciated - over 3 weeks seems a long time, it is making me nervous........

  5. Thanks honeybee for your very kind words, Sunday is my worst day as i am used to going to work on a Monday, and I just feel so bad knowing I'm not. Obviously it is nice to be there for my children, but I have let them down so badly.

    I know that my terms and conditions said I shouldn't use the card for personal use. I am not denying that, but it was not an instantly dismissable offence, it was at my manager's discretion. As my role/ performance was not actually impacted I just think a different sanction would have been better - perhaps removal of the card facility/ pay back any charges/ interest I benefitted from/ written warning? I don't know, I think I am probably being very naive to believe that big organisations could care less about personal ciircumstances. I broke the rules, so they have the right to sack me.

    I have consulted a solicitor, interestingly she spends 80% of her time writing compromise agreements for sacked employees from this company....

  6. Hi

    First post for me on here, so many apologies if it is a bit rambly....

    My situation in summary is as follows, was a Business Consultant for a bank, worked for 10.5 years for them. Have never been subject to any form of disciplinary procedure with them. Have had two 'proper' jobs previously, again unblemished record.

    However, in my time with most recent employer I have had 3 children, took full year materntiy for each, reducing my working hours after each one. My eldest has a disability which further restricts my ability to work long hours etc. I was also off for 3 months last year dealing with the stress and anxiety surrounding his diagnosis.

    Anyway, I have a company credit card which I knew very well was not meant to be used for personal use. Did use it by mistake a few times, then paid it back when realised my mistake. However, then got in to a spiral of not having enough money because paid the card off, then using it again, then paying it off etc etc. Have always paid it off, and did not realise I was benefitting from 0 interest and no fees by using it. This usage of the card did not in any way impact on my day to day duties at work, I work in IT also, and do not have access to credit decisions/ customer files etc.

    Approx 1 month ago I got an email from a manager asking if the transactions on the card are mine, or had the card been stolen. I admitted they were mine, said I was extremely sorry, would pay them off immediately, and give the card back. I asked if I was in trouble, and was told not to worry, that this kind of thing happened all the time. At no time was I under the impression this email was a warning.

    To cut a very long story short was then sacked for gross misconduct. I am not disputing what I did was wrong, and that I knew I shouldn't do it. However, I think a different sanction would have been more appropriate as the misconduct in no way impacted my ability to do my job. I also have an autistic child who is extremely distressed by change, and I am now going to have to sell our house as without my wage we cannot afford the mortgage. I have no chance of getting another job because they have told me that my reference will state I was dismissed.

    As you can imagine this has devastated my life, I cannot eat or sleep through worry for my son. I know what I did was stupid, but I don't think my 10.5 years of umblemished service, or my very difficult personal circumstances were considered. I also think it was actually an excuse to get rid of me as I work part time, have been off sick, have a disabled child etc.

    I don't want to be reinstated, I don't even want any money, I just want the oppurtunity to get another job, and I can't do that with this negative reference that does not actually reflect my umblemished performance record.

    Do I stand any chance in an appeal? All procedures were followed correctly, they are a huge organisation. I feel like one very stupid mistake (and I am honest enough to understand it was MY stupid mistake) has ruined my life and my families. At the moment I actually feel suicidal through the guilt and shame of what has happened. I have worked so hard all my life, school, university etc. I have never ever been unemployed, I now feel it was all worthless and useless, and that our life is in tatters.

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