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Posts posted by tttj-

  1. I never knew this site existed... Its pretty cool. The best thing though is how I found it. Defaulted on a Wonga loan about 3 months ago... I have made a ridiculous amount of attempts at getting them to reply to emails and letters... There registered company address does not even accept post?? Is that legal? Anyway... Today I got another email from "the team" but this one was different... It looked pretty convinving but was from Wonga... It was from Barker and Lowe... Legal Recoveries. It even had a company logo and everything. 1 thing was missing... Having worked for a dodgy online company in the past (selling beer not loans) Its pretty instinctive for me to look for tax reference number and registered company number. When dealing with new suppliers simple online checks with Companies House and VIES could normally spot the scams. A collections company probably would not have a tax number but would have a registered company number... the email was weird for them not to include any information about themselves... not even an address or company number. Just a telephone number... next thing I did was a google search to see if this company had a website... first few results... all from The Consumer Forum. Clicked on the first link and was immeadiatly reassured to find, Barker and Lowe do not exist outside of Wonga's imagination and there are lots of people who have been in the same boat... Anyway. The next thing I write will be a strongly worded email to errol the owl at Wonga informing him I will make 13 payments of £14 into the Wonga account (sort code and a/c number found on here) over the next twelve months and he should count himself lucky with the £7 total interest he will get. Luckily they dont have my real house phone number (its an old fashioned number and a didget too short... no payday websites will accept it so they get a fake correct length one instead) and my mobile does not get signal at home... It has meant so far... 3 months down the line not one telephone call from them... Sadly I have had half the amazon through my letter box. If he does not except my offer I will welcome him to pass details of my debt to a REAL collection agency and I will be more than happy see him or his chosen representatives in court. Anyway... Thats wonga...


    I have 2 other debts too Quick Quid and Money Shop... So far these two have been a nightmare... I have stopped listening to my voicemail weeks ago because it is usually overrun messages asking me to contact some number urgently.


    I rang quick quid and got put through eventually to some manager and somehow managed to get his extension number and personal fax. Once I subitted all the documents he asked for... including bank statements and my signing on book to prove I had no income other than befefits. He still declined my offer of 50 a month which would have seen my account settled in 6 months. What a dik... Well the next offer he gets will be for a significantly lower amount minus any extra over a much much longer time. Again... Happy to see him in court.


    Finally the Money Shop... Its really something when an employee openly admits on the phone... Yes Sir... Once you have entered into an acceptable payment plan you will stop being harrassed with constant telephone calls and letters. His exact words not mine... I didnt even use the word harrassed when I spoke... He was trying to use it as a bloody selling point for agreeing to enter into a repayment plan of 60 pound a month... I told him I would think about it and contact him by the end of the week... I am yet to agree an affordable repayment plan with these goons either.


    Whats awfull is... these three lenders plus a few more seem to crop up in nearly every post... Surely that is saying something?? I dont think payday loans themselves are bad... They way they are regulated is. As for these three jokers... looking at all the posts relating to them it becomes shockingly apparent that they are certainly not honest enough to trade and should be shut down!


    The worst thing is being 18... going to uni in 4 months and being nearly 4 thousand pounds debt before even starting... Thats another long story invlolving Natwest.



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