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Joe of the Jungle

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Posts posted by Joe of the Jungle

  1. I don't think anyone can answer with any confidence.

    If the bank has offered to refund the initial cost, then the work done, must have had major defects.


    What type of wall, external, internal part of something else. Building regs, planning permission etc...may play a part. If building regs, how many site visits were made. Was the inspector happy at the point of the visit. Of course I'm just speculating that an inspector was involved, but can you see the problem here.


    If you cannot disclose the type of work that was done and the defect/s you mention then I don't see how anyone could possibly help.

  2. You can only request that the garage repairs the VW or gives you permission to get the car repaired at their cost. you cannot demand this.


    The garage can offer to refund you, but they must refund the total cost of the sale which was £2695 or refund you £2200 plus your part exchange in the condition that you exchanged it in.


    If the garage refuses to refund the total cost of the sale, then the bases of any claim will be for the full amount or the price you actually paid and the condition of the part exchanged vehicle at the point of contract.

  3. Hi,


    Are you still needing help on this.


    Since you have had no replies- From reading your post, as you have only recently purchased the vehicle, you would have entitlement to some form of remedy. I.E Rejection of the car and a refund plus your part exchange vehicle returned, to put you back in the same position as before you purchased the VW. If you would like to keep the vehicle then the garage should put right the faults but you must give the garage a reasonable opportunity to repair the faults. With regards to the MG the garage was happy to accept the car as part exchange from a private individual, so as long as you pointed out any fault with the vehicle or they was willing to accept it without examining it properly then I think that the condition of the MG is irrelevant.


    Perhaps someone with more knowledge than myself may come along soon.

  4. Hi,


    Thanks for clearing that up for me, I have sent a letter of dispute already so I`ll wait and see what happens next. (might consider the other letter, if I think there actually going to read it)


    I will also see what Consumer Direct advise that I do and will let you know the outcome and any further correspondence.


    Thanks again



  5. Hi again,


    Can I report the matter to the financial ombudsman as they have now sent a letter saying that they will start legal proceedings against me.


    It seems they will not accept the account is in dispute, although nothing new has been sent since the Pdf`s I posted earlier in the thread.


    The only other communication with them since today and since last time I posted, is letters from them offering discounts and strangely a letter saying I owe this debt and introducing themselves as !st credit


    and asking for payment.



  6. Hi citizenB,


    They have sent me a copy of my application and another page, which I guess is supposed to be the terms and conditions. I had to wait nearly a year for this. I posted a pdf earlier in the thread.


    Problem is I can`t read most of it. All I`m asking for is a legible copy.


    I have not received any letters of assignment from them.


    On Tuesday they sent a letter about offering a generous discount, it says if I want to accept their offer "sign here and return"

    or if I don`t want to accept their offer "sign here and return"

    and asks for my telephone number as well.


    As yet I have not done anything...I can`t?


    I have sent everything recorded and have kept their letters, but not envelopes.


    I really appreciate the help from yourself and others in times of uncertainty.



  7. It is illegible, you have the document to prove to the DJ, if it got that far, that this is what they sent you, it matters not that they don't believe the account to be in dispute, they always say that.


    Account in dispute, document illegible, you have the evidence, withhold all payments to them, and only respond to them 'IF' they issue you with court papers, in which case you will be able to request the documents they will be using to enforce this in court.


    P.S. Have you claimed back the charges?


    Hi again,


    No I have not claimed the charges back . I think I`ll take yours and the other members advice for now, and respond to them if and when I need to. Seems a waste of time asking for a legible copy as I waited a year for what they sent.



    Monx...I`ll try not to give in to them, I honestly cant read most of what they sent so I`ll see what happens next.


    Not looking forward to it though.

  8. Hi Bazooka,


    I have sent a dispute letter to them, but they are not accepting that the application/agrrement is illegible?


    There are only small snippets that I can read on the first application and on the second "terms & conditions" it is kind of guess the words, it also does not seem to be part of the same document.


    Would they have to produce the origional or clearer copy in court if it got that far? I cant see the credit limit, apr, ect


    edit: looking at the agreement closely, I think the cancelation part is there. So I guess I can only rely on the illegibility part and prehaps the authenticy of what they sent.

  9. The letter they sent me says that they have supplied the copy agreement/application and my request under s78 has been fulfilled.


    They also say that the request is not valid (don`t know if thats the cca or the dispute letter.


    14 days to disscus a proposal is what they put on the letter.

  10. Then it's illegible. Therefore, as PG already mentioned, this now applies to the situation:



    As PG said. You can't read it, how can you tell what you agreed to?



    Right, well I didn't see that in your first post, you've just added it. Far as I know the account is still in dispute because you've received an unreadable agreement. I am sure the others will be more helpful. Good luck.


    Yeah sorry I added that, I`ll guess I`ll just wait to see what they send in 14 days.


    Thanks PG and Bazooka

  11. Yes, I missed all the other replies whilst busy messing about trying to search something but if you can't read it, then as per my post above and the regulations, as the others have mentioned since.



    The pdf is what is exactly what it looks like.


    Ok don`t really know what to do now, should I send them anything. I put the account into dispute on the basis that the application was illegible, and their was no terms and conditions. Now they have sent the terms and conditions.

  12. Hi,

    I have been lurking on the forums for a while and have used some useful information, but I now realise that I can't do it on my own so have registered for help if possible.


    I had a marbles credit card taken out in 2003 which has been past on to 1st Credit due to the usual difficulties, job, family problems ect.


    I sent a cca request to them last year and finally got a reply about three months ago with what I think is an unacceptable credit application. (No t&cs) They then followed up with letters about CCJs and charging orders. Last month they sent a letter about getting a statutory demand order.


    I sent a letter of dispute from the templates library last week and on Monday they sent a letter saying they have compiled with the request and that it was not in dispute and I have 14 days to pay.

    They also sent the credit application, but this time with terms and conditions page which I have been asking for since January 2009.


    Please could someone take a look and tell me if I can hold them off any longer, because I cant afford to pay at present and need to keep a roof over the families head (not their fault)







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