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Posts posted by The_Viper87

  1. Yes Viper you are not alone

    I have spoken with marlin and told them my beef is with barclays and to not get in the way but if they do then I will also report them to trading standards since I have informed them the account is in dispute and if the was to work to guidelines they should refer this back to barclays.

    but I am not holding my breath, they think they can just throw threats around and we do what they ask.. sorry I know I am in the right and will go to court and where ever else this leads.


    I am so glad to hear you are going to be fighing Marlin and Barclays also. I am like you 10pack, if they want to go to court then i will be up for that. I am just sick of them passing this case to debt collectors and getting them to hassle us and threaten us. If Barclays had any guts they would phone themselves and talk to us. There is no way i am going to be paying money for nothing, i don't have a computer course, they didn't give me any money, all i ever got was one book and if i am paying thousands for a book then that is the most expensive computer book in the world. Just wish more people would post, so i know what they are all doing and if they are getting hassled

  2. Hey everybody,


    Well i never thought i would be back here but like the rest of you i have been contacted by Marlin and i thought i would come back and check to see what everybody else was upto. It has been quiet for well over a year and now Barclay's have started again, i am now being called daily by Marlin, anybody else experiencing this? I just told them my story and they said i still had to pay them even though i have not got anything to show for it, i told the woman that if Barclays knew they had something they would of took us all to court by now. I think we are all in for a difficult year but if we stick together i am sure we can win :whoo:

  3. Hey All


    Thought i would let you all know what has been happening with me and Barclay's the past few days. I sent them a letter last Tuesday about why i would not being taking Computeach, i even showed them reviews off past Computeach students saying how crap Computeach was and the past computeach students advising me not to join, i also mentioned in my letter how Citizens Advice said there was nothing in my contract to say i had to accept the crap provider they were offering and i also said how i never got my first full year free as Advent went out of business before so them adding £22.50 cause i was not paying them, i saw as not right. I got my response letter today and guess what? It was the exact same letter that some ppl from the past posts have posted up showing what they received.


    I got right on phone to Barclay's saying this was not acceptable and saying how come i got the exact same letter as some of the other Advent students? The first lady couldn't help, she past me onto someobody else and that lady said that the same letter was sent cause most ppl are saying the same thing in their letter so i asked why do you want letters then? If we are just saying the same thing then i should of just forgot about writing my letter and have you guys send me just your automatic repsonse letter, would of saved me time and money.


    I also said your response letter was **** and didn't answer any of my concerns so i started asking her right there loads of questions and she couldn't answer and said she would get back to me lol. They are all idiots working there

  4. Had my first call from Barclays yesterday, telling me to pay the money now and i just laughed and told them to get lost. I told them i sent you a letter to explain why im not accepting computeach because they are **** and guess what? They never received my letter and told me to re sent it and my response was, i will but i will do it in my time and if you don't like that get your manager to call me, im fed up with all the stupid calls now and my letter to them is going to tell them how i really feel. They have ****ed me off now lol

  5. Hi,

    Have you signed up with the legal team - organised by Fuzzbutt?

    If not, it might be worth doing so as the legal team might want to look at that.You will be part of the class action against Barclays [ and it wont cost you anything]

    PM Fuzzbutt and join in.[ if you look back over the past few pages you will see Fuzzbutt posts - so PM]



    Hi Mate


    Yeah i know about all the stuff Fuzzbutt is doing. I have posted my letters off today, so im with all you guys. Thanks anyway for letting me know, much appreciated

  6. Hey Everybody

    I have been following this forum since it was first started but this is my first post and i wanted to thank everybody for coming on here and helping each other out, you have all been a big help to me with your advice. Has anybody had a text from Barclays? I got one on Friday saying your first payment is due 27th May and please pay it and all that crap. I would never of thought they would text, i thought they would of called me. Seems strange to me.

    Anyway i found this mesage from a guy called leaves007, he wrote it back in January




    I was mis sold a Computeach course in Jan '09 financed by Barclayslink3.gif Partner

    Finance. Promises of top tutors & online experts that could get me trained

    up & back in work in reality turned out to be two badly written books &

    online support that was down most of the time. Computeach have said they

    wont refund the £2700!!! paid by Barclays....can somebody help. I notice now

    that there are a lot of people who have been ripped off by these [problematic]!

    I haven't paid anything yet but they wont payment before the 24th Jan or it

    will go up to £5.583 on there 28.9% loan. Help!!!!!!!



    Now i didn't know Barclays were already doing financial stuff for Computeach, i thought they had just started. So it seems to me when they took all the months to find a provider, they weren't looking, they had computeach already in mind. What does everybody else think?

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