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Posts posted by BLACK AND AMBER

  1. As there is no benefit to the repossession ie Mortgage company (1st charge) would have to be settled first and as negative equity, they would have outstanding balance and therefore Welcome would be due to naff all, no way is any authority going to sanction re-po. It is important however, that you remain arrears free on the mortgage.

    For peace of mind, you may want to ring mortgage co and ask them to confirm they are happy with your current position.

  2. I worked for Mobile Money and can confirm each time you resign, a fresh bill of sale is lodged with the courts. The problem you had was 'minimum payment option' meaning even if your payments had run correctly and been upto date on the first agreement, following the first 5 payments you would have had a balance of £765 to either pay as the 6th payment or resign for another 6 month term.

    What has hampered your case is the additional charges you have incurred.

    The loan is only secured against the car and as they have had a combination of payments and 'the goods' back, let them swivel for the balance which they will still chase, but as long as you remain consistent with 'I haven't got any money and not willing to pay', the level of contact will slow off as time goes by.

  3. Have just had a look at this form on hm-court services and looks like an 'add on' sort of form or addendum, don't think it is anything threatening, so don't think it will change anything in the current time scale or process you are going through.

  4. Don't panic, the Customer Account Managers are pretty much bullied into chase, chase, chase by Branch Manager and in turn Area Managers.

    They are targeted at branch level to keep their 'delinquencies' or arrears cases to a bare minimum. Always have done, always will do. All in all it is very aggresive, but forms a big part of their monyhly targets and of course 'commission'.

    1) if you have asked them not to call work number, they have to respect this, should then be noted on their electronic record of your account.

    2) all of their calls are recorded and once requested to strike the work number, they have to. So if you want to write, requesting this tactic ceases, also mentioning has been requested verbally and you know calls are recorded.They have to abide and also reply - they have to keep a complaints log to satisfy part of the 'Treating Customers Fairly' philosophy.

    3) Account Manager will probably lie and deny they are doing anything wrong, but remind them that this is covered under the 'Treating Customer Fairly' part of the FSA guidelines and compliance rules......all in all as they know you fear the work contact route, they are using this option to keep the pressure on

    4) Regularity of calls - keep a log of the number of and the times called. You are correct, if the number of these persists, it is harrassment. you may need this log, again to use against them at a later stage, especially if we go the route of reporting to Financial Ombudsman Service - the authorities are fully aware of their tactics by the sheer number of complaints and enquiries they receive

    5)Solicitors love cases like this but of course being very expensive would suggest you go along to your local Citizens Advice Bureau with all letters, info, credit agreement and log of calls etc

    6)Outstanding balances/repayments. No-one can ever make sense of these but simply, if you make evry payment on time throughout, agreement will end as planned, but what they rely on is erratic payers and this is why. Each month after your payment comes off, the interest gets added in the same way as on a credit card. Should you miss a payment, the balance is therefore, higher than should be, so attracts more interest, also add to this that they add charges to your account for phone calls, rejected payments, letters and anything else you can think of, these of course also attract interest. The only way to get on track is to pay all of the missed payments, extra charges levied and additional interest incurred and then the agreement will be nearer running it's natural course.

    Hope this little lot gives you some comfort.

    An old colleague once told me 'knowledge is power', so now you have some power, use it but resist ranting and raving, just keep it calm if you can.

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