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Posts posted by m1969

  1. Hi,


    Not sure this is the right forum to ask this question but here goes. Several months ago I was walking down Princess Street in Edinburgh. I fell down an uncovered drainage hole. My leg went down the hole upto just above my knee. The council repaired the defective hole cover and covered it up (for public safety) but insist that they are not responsible or liable for my injuries as the cover, despite being on the public footpath, was above a cellar owned by the property owner on Princess Street and told me that the company that owned this building was responsible. I wrote to this company and they state that the Council are responsible for the defect. I seem to be going round in circles can anyone advise?

  2. Well 2 weeks after my parking Ticket I have now received a letter from Vehicle Control Services - Sheffield stating since I have lost my right to appeal and that I now owe them £120 and if I dont pay up I owe them a further £30 Court fees and £50 Solicitors fees. I must admit if I had not seen this site I would have been a bit concerned at all the red highlighted text. Should I just ignore and wait for the next letter?? :-):wink:

  3. Please help advise how do i stand. I parked on a road late at night (it was dark) when I returned the following day I had a penalty notice stuck to my car window from Vehicle Control services in Sheffield. The charge was that I had parked in a restricted area and the fuine is £80 raising to £120 if I dont pay within 7 days. In daylight I did see some signs but they are not visible from where I parked and I will explain further. from the direction I entered the road there were no signs, I parked on the right hand side of the road. There were no signs at all on the right hand side of the road where I parked. On the left hand side of the road there were some signs but about 200 yards further up the road. There is no markings on the road, no yellow lines nothing and nothing to state where the restricted parking started or ended. I only saw the signs 200 yards further up the road in day light as i walked the length of the road to see why I had a ticket, these signs would also not be visible at night. Also anotherpoint is the tiicket was put on my car at 7am on a Sunday morning and they stated the colour of my car incorrectly. I was thinking of appealing against the fine due to there been no clear indication of where the restriction began or ended and also i was parked on a side of the road with no signs what so ever and 200 yards before the first sign on the opposite side of the road. However after reading this forum I assume they are out to frighten you into paying or appealing to admit you were the driver, so i assume I sit back and do nothing? Just after a bit of confirmation I will be doing the right thing. Has anyone come across this company before.

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