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Posts posted by fb2812

  1. At last an update, only taken over seven months for VF to actually agree to the outstanding amount that they first sent me back in January. So all this time they have provided me with a default on my credit file and I'm now being told that if I pay the outstanding amount the account can be closed and then the default removed. This default, which, was wrongly entered onto my credit file can only be removed once I've paid the outstanding amount , this I've been told by Lee today is an act of goodwill by Vodafone!!!!!! WTF.

    If VF had got their act together in January/February when I explained by phone,email etc that I had received a letter stating an outstanding amount and termination fee totalling £124.79 and that I wanted an invoice to pay this and close the account. Then VF wouldn't of wasted so many man hours on my account and more importantly end up having such an adverse effect on my credit file. Then try to palm me off by saying their decision was an act of goodwill. As far as I'm concerned their actions beggar belief.

    I await your replies on how a company as big as VF want me to act with goodwill when they have shown yet again that they treat their customers with such contempt!!

  2. UPDATE :

    Spoke with Lee on the phone this morning, he was very helpful and explained due to VF taking the steps to get a DC involved it will probably take a week to see if my Credit has been affected. I'm sure it has as I've recently checked, so as I pointed out this is costing VF much more than the £52.11 we are disagreeing about. They tried using heavy handed tactics and fell way short of what I expect. On VF website they talk about their 'Strategy' as being, Trustworthy, Respected and not letting customers down. Well only Lee seems to be in tune with that!! It's not rocket science to know what 'Good Customer Service' looks like and what customers will do when they feel badly treated!! We have agreed what steps will be taken and I'm happy with the outcome,Thank You Lee.

  3. Funny you should say that Silverfox as I did all Lee requested yesterday and got an email back from VF Customer Service saying 'We are unable to understand your query from the email we received' I swear its from the lady who I spoke to originally, this is exactly why we are blessed to have Lee. He is worth his weight in gold as it makes such a difference knowing someone is taking your complaint seriously!!

  4. I agree Tim

    but without them most of us would be alot worse off!!.


    Think in every company there are the good and bad eggs just seems most bad eggs work in Customer Service :-(.


    I worked for over 20yrs for a large retail company and always served customers to the best of my ability,

    you can never please everyone but it didn't stop me trying.


    Just wish some employees would remember we are all human and respect and good manners cost nothing!!.


    Will give you an update as soon as I can, regards Fb2812

  5. Hello,

    I'm at my wits end and not sure who to turn to.


    I have a Vodafone mobile contract that is in arrears to the tune of £176.92.


    I have been in constant contact with a member of Vodafone's customer care team through emails but I cannot get them to see the position I'm in financially.


    I have offered to pay £124.79 which I believe is the outstanding amount.


    I was sent a letter dated 15/01/12 saying Outstanding balance £69.36 and termination fee £55.43.


    i phoned up and asked if a bill could be sent out for the balance and term., fee

    and I pointed out then I wanted to terminate the contract as the phone hadn't been used for several months

    and I wished to take them up on the letter they had sent me,


    this was agreed and I waited for the bill to arrive, only it never did.


    I then get a bill in April for £176.92.


    I spoke to Vodafone's customer service for 23 mins explaining my situation

    only for them to give me the runaround and be totally unhelpful.


    After several emails back and forth I have told them I regard the account in dispute!!


    Their next move was to have FPC send me threatening letters and try phoning me.


    I have explained twice to Vodafone that I suffer with high blood pressure and fibromyalgia and yet they ignore everything I say.


    FPC now say I owe £203.46 and it could go upto £268.46 with solictor fees and court proceedings.


    I know I'm in debt but I struggle to understand why this company like others is quite happy to take our money

    and when a disagreement arises treat us with contempt and try to belittle me in front of my family!!

  6. That's correct, normally only employees or union representive can be taken. I would certainly take someone as you need to concentrate on answering and asking questions. What i would look into is your employers disciplinary procedure as your manager asking you a few questions without saying he is investigating what went on and not getting anything down on paper nor getting your agreement or signature on this sounds somewhat to me like 'jumping the gun' . Check out terms and conditions in contract as well. Be prepared for the worst that way your be thinking on your feet rather than being naive and not being prepared. Should be verbal or written warning as you have gained nothing from your actions. Be apologetic but dont let them bully you. Good Luck.

  7. Hiya Hawthorne, no doubt in time you will realise just how much it resembled hell, without going into detail its taken me 18 months to realise just how unhappy I've become in my present job and thats one I've been in for nearly 20 yrs. I always thought i would be there until I retired but since being off sick for a 2nd time i now realise my physical and mental health suffered due to the kind of effort and hours I was putting in which were never going to be enough to stop the stress and intimidation aimed at me. What I have found with this site and others is that I'm not alone in these feelings, that its amazing the strength and inspiration you find from supporting each other and look forward to knowing when my time comes I to will have the support just when i need it most. F.B.

  8. Hi Hawthorne, i'm sorry i haven't been around to message you but not surprised your employer has acted in this way given their behaviour lately. They obviously think they are above the law when it comes to dismissing staff. As Mariefab has stated the ball is firmly in your court now and although you have some time on your side please use it wisely and seek professional help even advice from cab and the experience of caggers will be a source of inspiration. If it was me i would phone ACAS as their help and support has been invaluable to my family and friends. Yes you may have all kinds of emotions over the coming days but remember its their loss and you will have the last laugh, be strong and keep focused. F.B.

  9. Hi Hawthorne,

    Just came across your thread, questions to ask are,

    Are the rest of your team on the same performance management,if not then you could have a case for discrimination.

    Do you have any kind of work based support or have you joined a union, if not join on now.i've found them invaluable in a discipline situation.

    Also you may be covered by DDA certainly something worth looking into as my condition worsened with the pressure i was put under but as soon as my condition had continued for over a year, OH told my employer i would be covered by DDA at which point the stress and pressure i had been put under suddenly disappeared over night.

    You could certainly put in a greviance but i would go ahead with the meeting have someone with you for support/taking notes as you need a clear head to answer/ask questions ( this you are certainly allowed ) then if it goes to disciplinary then you can take union rep and give it to them with both barrels. If you put in a grievance and they do try anything thats not above board the grievance will only go to support you further down the line.

    Please after all you have been through don't despair unfortunately there are people who want to bully/intimidate you at a time when you are low, take notice what has been said by others, there is nothing wrong in taking time off we all need to at some point and there is always help when you need it.


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