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Posts posted by cyllid

  1. Thanks for the reply conniff. Yes, thankfully the credit file lists what they are (eg, Santandar - Topshop card). I thought about doing a SAR but would I need the acount details to request this info? I don't even live at the same address the cards were registered at anymore so would I have to provide proof of ID maybe?

  2. Hi,


    I've pulled off my credit file recently and there are about 6 old store cards, all of which I haven't used since 08/09, that are still being updated on my report as "up to date payments" but should be marked as settled or dormant. I'd like to remove these but as these accounts were opened as far back as 2003 then I no longer have the paperwork, account numbers, or cards for these.


    Does anybody know how I get these removed without the account details? Or how I try and obtain the account details?

  3. Just wanted to update on this - we're still getting letters BUT after carrying out another credit search on OH, his defaults have mysteriously dropped off his file (statute barred Feb & May next year) and his credit rating is in the 'excellent' range. We're very happy - just need need to concentrate on saving even harder for that house deposit now!


    Thanks all for your help.

  4. Hi, been a while since I posted here but to quickly follow up,


    we sent the CCA letter to the DCA and they keep sending a letter of ackowledgement

    every 21 days "we are following up your request with the original lender.

    ...when this becomes available we will forward a copy to you".


    However in the meantime,

    Mercantile Data Bureau (another arm of DLC I believe?)

    have sent letters saying the account was transferred to them.


    Sent them a copy of the CCA letter which was sent to DLC

    and then DLC replied saying MDB had passed the letter to them and

    "we note your comments that the above account is in dispute

    however you have not provided any details or evidence to substantiate your claims.

    In order to investigate this matter fully, please provide further details,

    along with anyevidence that your claims rely upon".


    To further muddy the waters, OH received another '21 days' letter from DLC yesterday

    and a letter from MDB claiming he had not responded to their last letter.

    So now we're very confused about who is dealing with what.

    Assumedly OH should not send anything to the DCA?


    All going to plan, OH's debt becomes 6 years old next spring so do we just sit it out and wait for it to become statute barred?

  5. Hi,


    SAR was worded:

    Further to your letters dated 26th May 2011,

    please supply me with copies of all the data which you hold on me in relation to any matter

    and in any form and for any period of time.


    Please note that I require disclosure of any personal data which you hold on me for the entire period of my dealings with you.


    The Subject Access is not limited to my transaction history

    and it is not limited merely to 6 years of historical information.


    Additionally, where there has been any event in my account history over this period

    which has required manual intervention by any member of your staff, or any other person,


    I require disclosure of any indication or notes which have either caused or resulted in that manual intervention,

    or other evidence of that manual intervention in relation to my banking business with you.


    If you are unable to supply this data because there has been no such manual intervention, then please be so kind as to confirm this in your response.


    I enclose the statutory maximum fee of £10; you have 40 days in which to comply.


    If there is specific information which you require in order to satisfy yourself as to my identity,


    please let me know by return.


    Please note I have moved and the address to which you should send any further correspondence is detailed above.

    I would be happy to collect any Data from my local branch.


    OH can't remember specifically what he took out

    - he did think it was a credit card but then when the info came after the SAR referring to a loan account

    then he thought he was mistaken.


    I wasn't with him when he got the loan/credit card

    and he has moved numerous times since so doesn't haven't any supporting paperwork of his own to back it up.


    He has tried going to CAB but the woman there was beyond useless

    and refused to properly look through all the paperwork,

    instead saying OH should just make a repayment plan.


    I don't know where to turn now and what to do.


    No wonder people bury their heads in the sand when they are chased for debts,


    I feel like doing it and it's not even my debt to worry about!

  6. I have a question with regards to Subject Access Requests and credit files;


    my OH applied for a full SAR with Lloyds when he had chaser letters from them and the DCA who were sold the debt(s).


    A large pack of information was delivered but within it there was an unsigned credit agreement for a loan.


    letters have gone back and forth trying to dispute the debt(s) as OH's credit file is showing a credit card debt

    and not a loan debt with Lloyds, but no reference to a credit card within the pack of info supplied under the SAR.


    Now the DCA are requesting a copy of OH's credit file to confirm what he's saying is correct.


    So Q1 - When obtaining info under a SAR, does the company have to provide you with ALL pertinent information?

    (ie, could they have excluded reference to a credit card for some reason?)


    Q2 - Does OH have to send a copy of his credit file to the DCA or is the onus on them to prove that he is liable?



  7. All, as an update - this is still ongoing! OH has, unsurprisingly in this climate, not sold his car yet and it doesn't look like it will go anytime soon.


    I will post back later with full info

    but he rec'd letters from DLC offering a chance of reduced settlement back in Feb (I think)

    but he didn't have the cash and we are still not convinced that they are chasing for the correct debts.


    To recap,

    credit file shows defaults for a CREDIT CARD and current account

    but debts being chased are for a LOAN and current account.


    The Loan/Credit card defaults are differing amounts but the a/c default has the same amounts on the letter to the credit file.


    Then last month he rec'd letters from a different DCA called Mercantile Data Bureau Ltd who said DLC had passed the debts onto them for chasing.


    We responded to both DCA's basically asking for clarification as to what exactly they're chasing for

    as there are incongruities within the information supplied under the SAR and on OH's credit file.


    Yesterday DLC responded asking for a copy of OH's credit file and said that they assume the other debt is not in dispute

    and they will continue to chase for payments on that one (the bank account).


    Although i would argue that the account is only in default because they tried taking repayments out for a loan he doesn't remember

    (with an unsigned agreement provided by SAR) and then lumbered him with hefty fees for going overdrawn at £200 a pop!


    Will type up letters later.

  8. All, I'm still confused as to what the next steps are? OH is going to sell his car and will get between £5k - £6k for it so will use it to repay, but if he has 3 debts then obviously he can't pay them all back. We don't know wether to pay the two (loan & current account) that are being chased or the two (credit card & current account) that are on the credit file. Any further views much appreciated as it's worrying me sick. x

  9. Bugger! Thanks Steven.


    It's frustrating as OH swears he can't remember having the loan, just a credit card. I've tried telling him there is a £4k transfer in his bank statements which corresponds with the banks copy of the agreement! He must just have a very poor memory.


    Interestingly, and completely differing to OH's memory, I went through the paperwork again this morning just to check I wasn't missing anything and came across one page that listed all of his products with the bank - no mention of a credit card?? He had:

    Young Savers A/C (start date Jan 1995)

    Select A/C (start date July 2001)

    Exclusive Saver A/C (start date Jan 06)

    LTSB Personal Loan (start date Jan 06)


    Is it likely the default registered for the card debt is wrong? Or is it, like someone else mentioned, that the credit card department would hold seperate information?



  10. Oh my, all very confusing!


    Yes, looks like 3 debts I guess but cra only shows the credit card and current account whereas the DCA & Lloyds letters only refer to the current account & loan account. The loan was at the same address as the credit card & current account so should have been noted on the cra I would have thought?


    Lloyds wrote to my OH when the information was ready to collect so shouldn't they have mentioned if there was more to follow? It does sound like they've given an incomplete SAR but then at the same time I'm concerned about 'rocking the boat' and asking for the credit card info if they're only chasing him for the loan and current account debts. The credit card debt seems to be the biggest and scariest debt!

  11. No statements have been provided for the credit card - in fact the only evidence there was a credit card is one sheet of paper with 'application data' showing a print out of the LTSB Asset Gold Credit Card and application Status: Accept dated 21/12/04. So the date matches the credit file but there is nothing else provided that shows there was any debt here.


    OH doesn't actually remember taking a loan and you'll see from post #1 he actually thought the 'loan' was the credit card but the statements for the account clearly shows a transfer of £4k going in in Jan 06 and thereafter monthly repayments. The credit card isn't mentioned in the chaser letters so does this mean that they aren't chasing that debt?

  12. Sorry - ims was the only one kindly answering and couldn't advise on the CCA hence why I posted again.


    I'm not sure what you mean by CRA file? If this is the credit report then yes, we got his report from Experian and he has a default from Lloyds for 2 items. Having just checked them again one of the amounts differ. So to try and keep this as simple as poss, he received 2 letters each from Lloyds & DLC saying:

    1) Lloyds have sold the current account balance of £1,279.68 to the DCA

    2) Lloyds have sold the loan balance of £2,954.93 to the DCA


    Now double checking the defaults registered on the credit file he has:

    1) Lloyds TSB bank Plc Current Account

    Started 01/07/07

    Default £1,279

    Defaulted 21/05/08


    2) Lloyds TSb Bank Credit Card/Store Card

    Started 21/12/04

    Default £4,689

    Defaulted 28/02/08


    Now I've only just noticed that the credit file talks about 2 different debts in the loan and credit card. None of the paperwork provided shows anything about defaults on the credit card. So this has just confused things even more?!


    My original reason for posting a new thread was because OH has been provided with an unsigned CCA agreement and we didn't know if this was enforceable or not.

  13. Hi All,


    I have posted in another thread about a debt my boyfriend has with Lloyds bank who have since sold the debt onto a DCA. Please see the link for further info:

    Debts sold to Hillesden Securities t/a DLC


    Anyway, to cut a long story short, a SAR was sent off and all info returned by Lloyds. However, the loan agreement provided is an unsigned copy. The agreement clearly states it is a "fixed-sum loan agreement regulated by the Consumer Credit Act 1974" and I've been reading up and am led to believe my boyfriend should have received a signed copy; is this correct?


    I'm just seeking some clarification as to what he should do next; does he need to contact the bank again and ask for a signed copy or as he had previously sent the SAR, does he just question the enforceability straight away? And where does the DCA sit in all of this?

  14. Hi


    I don't think it wise to rely on peprwork errors. There's a thread on the subject here that might be of help in this regard....




    Can you have a look through the SAR transaction history and let us know the date of the last payment on the overdraft and on the loan?


    And continue to ignore the dca for the time being.






    ims, had a look at the transaction history and the last payment made to the loan was £115.70 on 3rd Sep 07. At this point the overdraft goes £454 overdrawn on what was a £300 limit. The next repayment of £115.70 taken on 1st Oct 07 bounces and thereafter they keep trying to take the repayment up to May 08, all bouncing. Of course, they allow the fees and charges to accumulate.


    Also, going to post in the other thread you linked to but interesting to find out that the loan agreement was issued under the Consumer Credit Act 1974 and the bank have not supplied a signed copy. Apparently this could potentially make the loan unenforceable?

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