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Posts posted by vapour

  1. Software used to monitor time spent on the internet does not provide correct data. For instance, you can open a website and then put it in the background while working on something, and flick into it each time you get a moment. Software will see this as unbroken time on the net. You may be able to use this as a defence.


    Also, tell them that without any evidence comparing you to others you feel victimised. You could also say that them snooping on you is a breach of trust.


    A test case against IBM found in favour of the employee when he was fired for excessive internet use. The company had not made the policy clear to the employee, and he had been looking at hardcore porn. He still won! The court said that employers expect work to affet employee's personal lives and they should accept that to some extent, personal lives will have an effect at work, including internet use.


    Your call, complaining to an employer is never easy and can make things worse in our less than perfect world. But food for thought for you.

  2. I would also get in touch with their PR agent


    Promote PR Ltd

    Copthall House

    St Ives Road



    SL6 1QS

    Phone: 01628 630363


    Tell them you are writing an article about how you have been a victim of a hate crime in the gym and that you want a statement from them about why you are being asked to pay to be a member of a private club that you cannot face returning to. Tell them your story will be sent to all the gay press as well as all national and local papers and radio stations. Tell them that you are starting a facebook page and twitter account dedicated to this crime on their premises and want to feature their official statement. Tell them that you would rather have put the matter behind you but their refusal to allow you to leave is forcing you to alert others to how you are being treated.

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