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Posts posted by dbaygg

  1. Your info is excellent. My problem was in Scotland which is occasionally subject to slightly different rules, but I offer this as a one-letter only solution (it worked for me!)


    First, you are right, do nothing until 'they' write asking for driver details.

    Using your guide template, I sent this:


    I refer to your letter . . .

    I confirm the information provided by DVLA, that I am the keeper of the vehicle.

    I do not keep detailed records of the driver of the vehicle at any particular time.

    I respectfully decline your invitation to pay the invoice raised by (car park)

    Their reply showed they were totally P'd off. Bluster and smoke, and then they said that my car number would be included on their master database and checked if EVER I parked in one of THEIR car parks again, they would think of something horrible. (implied). So, whoever buys my car second-hand better look out; either that or the car park team are due to be in court for wrong ID etc!

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